Saint Joseph’s University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Saint Joseph’s University accurate?


Yes, some of the students here are white upper-class Catholics, but not all of them are. Our student body is becoming more diverse each year.


No, some people are of course, but not all.


To some extent these stereotypes are accurate.


I believe theres a little bit of each one all over the school.




They are accurate to a point, but St. Joe's IS changing, and for the better. There are more active democrats on campus now to mix it up with the republicans, and the school's gay-straight alliance, S.T.O.P, is growing.


Somewhat, but there are a whole lot of different crowds, while the majority of students are white and come from rather wealthy backgrounds, alot of people are not stuck up, and there are definately students to match any crowd.


In some cases this stereotype is true, but for many other students, this is not an accurate reflection.


About 35{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} I'd say. Sure, there are some kids like that around St. Joe's, but not a lot. And as far as working for ourselves is concerned, St. Joe's is one of the best school's in the area for networking and in turn produces more internships and job oppurtunities than other schools in the area.


for a small percentage but not for the majority. most are very down to earth and willing to do anything for others and the school. the students at sju are very involved in school activities and community service.