I have loved the academic life at Saint Joe's. I've found many of my courses to be challenging, but rewarding. Because we are a liberal arts college, I have been forced to take many classes that I would have never chosen on my own. At first, I was very annoyed by this, but now as a graduating senior, I am grateful. Taking a wide selection of classes has helped to make me into a more well-rounded and knowledgeable person. The majority of my professors here have known me by name and have been incredibly helpful both in and out of the classroom. The only advice I have is not to rely on your adviser here, as most offer very little useful advice.
The academics at St. Joe's are, for the most part, top notch. Obviously, not every teacher is the cream of the crop, but I would say 85-90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the time, you're getting a fantastic teacher in your classes; especially if you're in the business or liberal arts schools. The classes are usually small and personal which is great compared to the usual college lecture hall where individual opinions aren't really taken into consideration. An education at St. Joe's is incredibly valueable for a job out of college; bottom line.
my acedemic advisor knows my name which is really great about this sized school. i am pretty confident that if i go to him he'll give me useful advice.
for the most part professors make themselves avaliable to extra help outside of class.
students are not as competitve as i expected.
Intro classes that all majors have to take are usually your largest classes at like 40 at most and the more specific major classes will get closer to 20 or smaller! Professors know your name and attendance is close to mandatory in everyclass. There is the chance of failing due to attendance and that is usually around 6 unexcused absences. Dont worry the nurse will right you absent notes! The marketing department is one of largest departments on campus with the ability to be a pharmecutical, food marketing of general marketing major with tracks in communications or sports and entertainment. The marketing department has created a record label titled the hawk will never die records. They sign artisit and manage their music careers its a really cool experince and its apart of the music marketing class. Theology and Philophy classes SUCK... but oh well every takes them and everyone hates them. some professors are really cool especially the jesuit priests the coolest teachers and individuals you will ever meet... they give me faith in the catholic church. There are huge career fairs and networking nights for every major!
It's like any other school. You get the great professors who really make you think and then you get some that you're dreading to go to their class. I personally really like Mrs. Flocco for English, and Professor Burke for Economics.
Professors always know your name. My favorite class was creative writing, least favorite, statistics. Students study about an hour a night, a couple hours a week. Class participation is common when the work load isn't heavy. There's a lot of speakers and lectures on campus and stuff if you wanted to have an intellectual convo outside of class. Students are definitely competitive; internships in philly are competitive because of all the schools. education at st joes is definitely geared towards learning for its own sake, unless your an education or business major.
I love being an English major. My classes are never more than 30 students, and every English professor I have had has been extremely helpful in developing my talents as a reader and a writer. I am minoring in marketing, and taking courses in the business school is completely different, but most professors try to have a personal relationship with their students and advise them in their future career paths. The general requirements are pretty intense, with a heavy emphasis on philosophy and theology, as this is a Jesuit school. This can be difficult for students to understand, however taking courses in these subject areas goes along with the University's message to be people for others. Elementary Education, Business, and Political Science are some pretty popular majors, but their is quite a variety of programs to choose from, and a lot of people study abroad. The most unique class I had here was a course called Actor into Director, which was composed of 3 students. The purpose of it was to take students with a background in performing arts, and give them the tools to get behind the scenes of theater and direct a piece at the end of the semester.