Saint Louis Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Louis Community College know before they start?


If I could go back in time I would have told my younger self not to allow relationships to stress me unnecessarily . That the realtionships now are so trivial , both with boys and my female friends . To stay focused on my future , never to have dropped out of college the first time I attended college . I would also tell myself not to allow money to stress me out , if need be to take out student loans . My college degree would give me security for the future , how the clothes , parties , all the trivial nonsense that consumed my thoughts back then will only side track you , if I allow them too . I would tell my younger self to make whatever sacrifices are necessary now , so that I won't have to struggle later , financially , physically or emotionally . Putting money first had me in a relationship where I was the victim of domestic violence . Had I known then what I know now , I would have never gotten into an abusive relationship , never would have dropped out of college . However going through that experience showed me how I needed to finish college . So I'd never be in a predicament like that again .


I would have worked harder in my classes and I would have studied for my ACT. I also would have started out at the Community College to save money and get on my feet, rather then have attended a private college and spent so much money.


You don't have to please anyone else or prove yourself to anyone, do what is best for you! It may seem like fun to go away to a big university, but it is easy to just become a little fish in a huge pond. Community college will allow you to stay close to home and have the support of your family, plus it is much more affordable! You will most likely change your major a few times before settling on what you really want to do in life. Take your time, take classes that you are interested in, and you will be happy with your college experience. When you take classes that you are interested in, the work doesn't really seem like work, it's fun! Community college is fun, you will make lots of friends, and the transition to a university will be easier!


Going back to my senior year i would advise myself to make the decisions upon whats best for me. I would also advise myself to get involved in everyway possible. Along with becoming involved, i would tell myself to take every opprotunity to better your gradres because it will pay off in the end. College life has really taught my to become humble and focused on the "Now" to imporve "Later".


The day you graduate will be the best moment in your life. Going to college is the next level of having your own responsibility and freedom to be experienced or learned. While in college you can pick you own class and the time of the class to fit your schedule. In college you can have the choice when or how long you will finish college. When you go to college, pay attention, as you are paying for your classes.


When I look back at myself as a senior in high school I now see how unprepared I was for college. I expected it to be an extremely boring walk in the park. I didnt get excited about going to college at all just because it was a community college. I spent the whole summer slumping around because all my friends were leaving and going to big universities and I was stuck at home just because I didnt have enough money to move away just yet. I spent most of my first semester stuck in the same funk because I thought community colleges were a joke. Once I finally decided to give it a chance I really enjoy community college and wish I hadnt wasted so much time. If I would have started getting involved when I started taking classes there as a high school senior I would have realized how much community colleges have to offer. I would have loved to take full advantage of some of the opportunities that I missed out on like trying out for the softball team. Basically never make assumptions, take full advantage of every opportunity given to you.


During high school I suffered with serious health concerns due to a rare autoimmune disorder, including a total hip replacement my senior year. This resulted in me spending the majority of my senior year completing missed assignments. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would spend unlimited time pushing myself to prepare for the A.C.T. better, and apply for more grants and scholarships. I would also encourage myself to spend more time searching for universities who accommodate disabled students well. Today, I?m attending a local community college due to financial and health reasons, but all of these events in my life has inspired my service others. I?ve begun tutoring children in the community, and I?m also very active at my church in the community outreach program (N.A.C.O.). I?m very adamant about preparing students and making a positive impact on their lives. On a weekly basis I donated time to the N.A.C.O. program and provide tutoring, mentoring, and counseling services to the children in the program. Community service has given me an opportunity to change lives, including my own.


I should have followed through with a science degree. Go with your heart and soul not what others say or suggest to you


Send out invitations to high school graduation. You get money from almost everyone. Also, don't be afraid to get started because you don't know what you want to do. Just get started and if you are looking you will find it.