Saint Martin’s University Top Questions

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I initially hesitant about attending a school where monks take an active role in the education process. One of the monks have become a good friend of mine and has been instrumental in my success. He directs me to financial assistance to help me not only continue my education but has assured that my six year old can have a nice Christmas. It is the monks of the school that keep the concept of helping others alive and well in this school.


The University of Oklahoma has one of the most advanced Journalism and Mass Communications Department. When I toured the school, I fell in love with the Gaylord College. The professors are great. They are so easy to approach if you have any problems or questions. As Sooner Students, we also receive many opportunities for health and safety. The students also have a great opportunity when applying for jobs. The University of Oklahoma has an excellent placement program for graduate students. My possibilities for success seem that much more attainable by choosing this school.


St. Martin's University was very unique because it was the only school that offered me many scholarships and financial aid. For me, money was the biggest issue. I never thought I would be attending a University in my wildest dreams, especially one that was away from home, Hawaii. My school offered me a chance to get a college education because of the aid they gave me. They work with incoming students, and help them find a way to get a good education.


Compared to other schools I considered, this school is the smallest. It is located in the suburbs, whereas all the other schools I considered attending were bigger and in the city. There are many trees, trails, and even a a couple of ponds on campus, making it beautiful and very much peaceful. My school also has very small class sizes, and engaging with professors is easy and encouraged.


small, community-based