Saint Martin’s University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I love the fact that there is so much cultural diversity here. Students from South Korea, Ireland, Japan, and China can be found anywhere, presenting the opportunity to learn about places other than America. Also, there is a definite community feel about the campus and people that is almost like a family. It makes SMU seem like a second home.


The best thing about St. Martin's University are definitely the faculties and staff. They're very friendly and helpful. The professors are very passionate about teaching and their field of studies. These is really helpful and inspiring for me.


The environment. The people are friendly and are open to offering a smile as you walk around school and letting you into a building if you forgot your student ID. Even though word travels fast and you may have somewhat of a hard time keeping a secret between two people, there is a kind of familial aspect on campus. You feel like you've lived there your whole life.