Saint Pauls College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Pauls College know before they start?


My advice for parent/students trying to find the right college is visit the campus, that way you can see the way it looks. Also ask present and past students about the school and how they like the experience. Reading about the school is good also.


I would advise parents and future college students to choose there college choice wisely. Find out the statistics of the college choice.


Some advice I would give to parents and/ or students is to leave their options open. Make sure college is the final decision because its not a joke and need to be taken serious. Select the school thats right for them because every school is not the same. Make sure to get all the financial assistance thats avaliable to them.


Advice i would give to parents and/or students would be to visit the colleges and ask alot of questions. Ask upper classmen what their experience was like when they first went to college and how they came about their choice. Overall college is an experience you have to adjust to and learn from. If you're lucky enough to find that perfect school for you, kudos to you, but if you're not so lucky and don't like the school you've chosen you can still make the best of it. Your college life is what you make it. Yes you will have fun regardless, but the most important part is your education for your future career. Just think of all those before us who barely had the technology and gadgets we have now but came out as top scholars. If they can do it why not we, even with low circumstances and situations?


The Advice that i would give is to just make the choice yourself. Dont let anyone pick for you. Also dont go to school with alot of people you know.


When searching for the right college, keep in mind that you want to be somewhere where you can get the most out of your education because that is what you will be going to college for, an education. Also, keep God in mind, or whomever you may chose to worship, spirituality is very neccessary and can make a big differences when you are surrounded by different types of people. Keep in mind the food that is served (is it healthy?? Is there a variety??) Look at the staff and administration, if they are not doing well in their jobs, chances are, you won't be able to do well in yours. People in superior positions should always shows a special respect towards students, BECAUSE WE PAY THEIR SALARY!


For parents, please always make sure that your child has a way to contact you or a means of transportation, even if they live close to home. I attend my college without both and it is very hard on the student, even if he or she doesn't seem to show it. For students, VISIT, VISIT, VISIT, VISIT ALL