Saint Peter’s University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


My school is best known for engaging their students. This particular school is known for the stomping ground for Dr.Martin Luther King to continue his fight for equal rights for African Americans. With that being said is why this Jesusit is known for continue involvement with the community and to serve them it suitable for them.


It's Track Team.


Its diversity among students, its close proximity to NYC, its financial aid help for the students, and its sports teams


small classes and jesuit campus


My school is best known for its great academic program as well as its sports program, many people travel from far places to take advantage of these programs, the teachers really do care at the school.


Saint Peter's College is best known for business and nursing majors.


Manhattan College is best known not only for its great engineering program but also for its close proximity to New York City and also its currciculum rooted in LaSallian Christian traditions, including daily masses, a required 9 credits of religion and many religious activities.


Education one student at a time.


They are best know for their soccer team and their parties and events.


Peacock Basketball and the nursing program as far as I know.