Saint Peter’s University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Peter’s University know before they start?


If I could go back I would tell myself to not take college lightly. That the world is not going to bend at my will; to humble myself before the institution of higher learning and to remember that it decides my fate of where I may go. Also to keep in mind the goals of the future at all times and learn from the mistakes of the past. Finally, to remember that time is both a friend and foe, be wary.


The advice I would give myself would start preparing for an awesome ride. I would like tosay trust , believe, dedicate and love myself to continue on this ride that will turn into an adventure. The journey is where I would be able to discover who and want I to apply myself to uplift my family as my community to heights that was never thought to be achieved. The chaos and the insanity of the experiences as a high school student would be more than worth it. The life lessons I have learned have prepared me for my destiny to be a force to be reckon with.


If I could go back in time and speak to my past self, I would tell him to take his last year of highschool seriously. I will warn him that he has no idea what's waiting for him on the other side after graduation. In a way, college is the closest you can get to being on your own without fully being on your own. You get to decide when you eat, when you sleep, what time you have class, and other things that were out of your control before. But with all this newfound freedom comes great responsibility. You have to learn time management, because it's very easy to get overwhelmed with work while in college. I would tell him to be careful, and not let his social life interfere with his work, because for the first time in your life you're paying to go to school. If you flunk, you either drop out or pay to take that class again. It might sound scary, but I will assure him that he can handle it, and to strive for excellence in everything he does. College, much like life, is what you make it,


Opportunities are endless. When you go to college, make sure you take full advantage of all of the resources on campus. You can rise above and become a leader within your campus community through intriguing research experiences unrelated to classwork Make as many network connections you can with your professors. These are the guys that will give you the best advice on how to succeed not only in the classroom, but also in life. Professors will take you under their wing by telling you their experiences and teaching you new things. Also, be sure to have an equal balance between being focused academically and socially. You need to know when you might have to skip a party to work on a paper, but papers and assignments should not be completely detrimental to your social life. Be sure to also take care of yourself. The "Freshman 15" is a real thing and it is important to keep yourself healthy. If you are coming into college with unhealthy habits, now is the perfect time to begin changing! Most of all, do not lose yourself. College is a new journey of discovery; keep humble and stay focused.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not stress out too much and try to relax. Don't be overwhelmed by the details. Step back and see the big picture.


I would tell myself that everything could be easily obtained if i take my time and work hard.


If I could go back in time and tell myself about college, I would first remind myself that college isn't free. Every decision I make should be the right one because I'm paying to go to this school. Also I would tell myself that college is the house of opportunities and that once one comes towards me and its beneficial to me I'll take it. Another thing i would say to myself is not to burn the bridges people have built for me, meaning don't cut off friends or professor that are actually trying to help me. Lastly I would tell myself don't get too upset when I make mistakes because I'm not perfect, no one is, just learn from them and apply it to everyday life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, and knowing what I know now about college life and making transition, the advice that I would give myself would be save every penny I made, and I should have majored in Psychology first and than go into nursing. Also, life after highscool is not an easy path, and to always keep my head high. Life is full of surpraises and disappointments, but that is what makes you transition from a teenager into an adult. An adult takes life as it comes and learns from the disppointments, and a teenager just gives up. Also, everything happens for a reason, and if God didnt think you can handle the situations he put you in, he would not have put you in them.


If I were talking to myself as a high school senior, I would make sure to encourage myself to work hard and stay motivated. Good grades and being involved in many activities guarantee good scholarships and an easy transition into college life. I would also encourage myself to take every opportunity possible so as to experience as much as I can.


I would advise myself to apply for more scholarships. I would tell myself to get organized and prepare myself for the work load. I would advise myself to be more open to meeting people and making new friends. I might also advise myself to be a little more active in school and in the community as well.