Saint Vincent College Top Questions

Describe how Saint Vincent College looks to someone who's never seen it.


Saint Vincent College is a fun, yet academically challenging friendly institution with a great atmosphere, safe campus, and excellent people.


Cozy atmosphere, great academics.


Saint Vincent College is a warm and inviting place that has multiple qualities that are great for students, such as faculty members and helpful upperclassmen, but at the same time a tyrannical administration who flies the mantra of "Catholic Benedictine Values" limits the capacity of the students, and as a result all the great qualities don't come together to benefit the students as they should.


Saint Vincent is growing in number of students and class size, but not space.


Saint Vincent is a home away from home, its close knit students allow for great relationships that last a lifetime.


Small, catholic school that is very tight-knit.


I love it, I never thought I could get such a great education at such a small little-known school.


St Vincent is a small friendly underappreciated school.


A beautiful campus in the mountains that gives students the freedom to choose what major they like, when they like to, while direction is given well.


St Vincent is a small, largely white, conservative liberal arts college with a strong science program.