Saint Vincent College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Saint Vincent College?


Somewhat religious Kind Academically focused Looking for a small and close-knit community


Anyone who is looking for a challenge. I would suggest that people who come from small communities, or rural areas really look into our school, we only accept 452 freshman a year so the classes are small and are one on one with the professors.




A Christian who is willing to work hard, and stay active within in the school.


Someone that is serious about their academics and wants to be pushed to succeed.


Someone who is acadmeically driven and motivated to succeed in life. I would describe the ideal person as someone who is looking for a small college community in which people are close. The person should be activiely involved in their studies but also have a social life


Someone looking for a small town atmosphere, and it willing to travel 1 hour to the closest big city.


This school is open to a variety of people. It is suited to accomidate different races and religions, although we are still growing in our diversity. There is a friendly, welcoming atmosphere that allows students to feel at home and succeed. People considering this school should be aware of the stress that is placed on academics and be serious about the educational aspect of college. There are many opportunies to grow as an individual, be it through classes, organizations, traveling, service or faith.