Saint Vincent College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Saint Vincent College?


People who are ethical, friendly, kind, and caring should attend Saint Vincent College. With a strong liberal arts curriculum students are able to learn information from many subjects the first few semesters. People who attend should be willing to put forth hours of studying daily to accomplish their goals. Because Saint Vincent was the first monastery in the United States it is very religious. If this does not describe you or what you are looking for in the "college dream" I would kindly suggest you to look for another college or university.


A person who likes to party alot and wants to belong to a fraternity will not be able to do well at Saint Vincent. Also, people who are not challenged and willing to learn should be go to this school.


I would recommend this school to any one, but if you are looking to go to school to just party and slide by then this isn't a place for you. We don't have any of the sorority or fraternities on campus and a lot of the course curriculum isn't something that you can simply go to class and expect a good grade. You have to really work hard to earn your grades.


You should not attend this school if you are not accepting of others and friendly. You should not attend this school if you are not serious about your academic work.


People who need obvious sources of entertainment and can't "make their own fun," people who want to be able to walk everywhere they need to go, people who think that college should be all parties, people who don't like profs who use the socratic method in the classroom, people who want a huuuge array of different courses to choose from, people who want to focus more on sports than academics, people who are obnoxiously outspoken


A person with a serious interest in a small learning environment with big possibilities.


People who want to blend in should not attend this school. This school is full of outspoken people. It is also full of relatively small classes. So when in class you are more then likely going to be called on and those that just want to blend in aren't going to thrive very well in this environment. It is however a good place to learn to be more outspoken. Just remember to never limit yourself and you will fit in fine here.


someone who loves to party and expects huge party life.


Saint Vincent College is not a party school and anyone who does not like to be involved academically should not attend.


I believe that people who are easily shaken by those who use Jesus as an excuse to be an asshole should not go to school. You have to have a thick skin to put up with this behavior and tell yourself, the education is worth more than any of these people and their skewed opinions.