Sam Houston State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Sam Houston State University.


I have never been around so many diverse and understanding group of peers who are just as eager to learn as I am.


My classmates are a very diverse group from all over the world and from all walks of life.


My classmates were a collection of diverse people who all enjoyed life, and they were always good to me.


The students here are great, they're very friendly and helpful, making new friends has been great.


My classmates are not very interacted with one another sometimes.


The students at Sam are friendly and fun loving.


My classmates come from a variety of different ethnic and ecomomic backgrounds. During my history class, everyone had to stand and tell their name and share some information about their family. I was surprised to hear all the different accents and home towns. It made me a little afraid to tell my history in my slightly country accent but I did and to my surprise everyone applauded me. I guess you can describe my classmates as different as night and day but all striving for the same goal of an education.


My classmates are brave, selfless, and caring.


My classmates are very nice and willing to help someone when they're in need.


My classmates are diverse.