Sam Houston State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Sam Houston State University know before they start?


I've gotten the persistence to finish. I was able to learn a lot through hands on study and working in the field for the newspaper. Sticking with the studies through the hard times built and appreciation for education. It was valuable to attend because of everything that has taken place after finishing. Coming into graduate school my mindset about life and education was completely different. I have a greater respect for university, and in turn my graduate GPA is the best I've had in college. I had no plans to go to graduate school, but when I got into my senior year it seemed like the only way to go. I can say that without my undergraduate experience I would not have had the desire for higher education.


My college experience so far has taught me many things. The value of friendship, and allowing yourself to be open to new ideas and beliefs. Being actively involved on campus opens doors to new aspects of the world and has helped my preparation thus for in my life.


College was never not an option for me. I just always knew I would go to college. When I was younger I thought I would be at a big University. I am glad I went to Community College though, because I have seen growth in myself through the information I have gained in this college system. The staff and students around me have been very encouraging, easy to work with and informative for me personally and for my education. I feel that my steady upward pace in growing with my knowledge is okay and a lot of it has to do with the ability to slowly view all my options and feel comfortable about my future with those options given to me by my college. I now have become very excited and motivated to continue this growth and further my expansion as an educated person through the college systems. I cannot describe how valuable college has been to me. Life seems in order with college and gives me a direction I feel good about.


I have gotten so many things out of my college experience. I found out that I love to work with children and those that are in serious need. I want to be able to help as many people as possible and make their lives more complete. The networks that I established in college have opened up doors for me and given me a way to realize some of my dreams. The more I look back on my undergraduate years, the more I see that I have changed a great deal. I am more patient, understanding, and eager to learn as much as possible.


The most important thing that I have obtained from being a college student, besides an academic education, is respect for diversity. I don't simply mean diversity in terms of race either. I have learned how to work in groups of individuals that I would not want to be associated with simply because of our vast lifestyle differences. Some people are not taking school seriously and others can make college seem like you are back in high school dealing with peer pressure, bullying and popularity contests. Throughout my college experience I have learned to keep an open mind all the while staying focused on what is important to me. I have learned to not let others influence me or make me feel like I have to fit in with their standards. The nice thing about college is I get to be who I am, myself. I attract the kind of people I do want to be associated with when I am myself. As for those individuals that I prefer not to associate myself with I treat them with respect but never waver from what I believe in. The popularity contest is OVER!! I am VICTORIOUS!!


I have obtained more knowledge on how to be of first hand assistance to the community and individuals within. This campus is surrounded with so many caring people from the staff, professors, and students, that it is impossible for anyone to feel alone and or fail out of school. They campus all the way around is friendly to the persons who inhabit it and very "user" friendly so that people will not get lost. My experience has been amazing, gaining the opportunity to intact with this campus has been one that I will miss after I graduate. The course work is not too difficult and if you are having trouble the professors are always their to extend and hand to ensure that you will prevail over the material. Sam Houston State University gives anyone the experience of a lifetime and fulfills a sense of belongingness to the community.


My college experience has provided me with the tools and knowledge necessary to successfully navigate through life. I have obtained education that will allow me the opportunity to have a fulfilling and successful career. I have found that this knowedge has also helped me in other walks of life. I have truly come to understand wisdom of the phrase that "knowledge is power." The vast variety of courses that I studied have helped to open my mind to different cultures, subjects, people, and even generations. In addition to all of the knowledge and wisdom I have gained, I also developed many qualities that are important success in life. Having to balance my class load with my family responsibilities forced me to develop self-discipline with regards to my time and responsibilities. This required me to develop my ability to prioritize tasks and have a very strong work ethic. These soft skills are invaluable assets that I will continue to develop and use throughout my college career and utlimately my future career along with the education I received from college.


My college experience has provided me with an enjoyable learning environment, ongoing activities, and non-stop fun. As well as professors who become involved in my personal life and push me to succeed. I have made friends who help and tutor me when I need help with a certain assignment. The dorms are also comfortable and suitable for a college student which provide me with everything I need to ensure a successful education.


I started college courses for my degree in September and since then I have learned how much more responsibility there is than high school. Attending college is a stepping stone in life. Not only is it something that has to be done to get a successful job but also to help a student mature and become more independent.


At Sam Houston State University, I have received an excellent education. I know know exactly what I want from my future. I want to be an educator in Texas. I am far along in the Educator Preparation Program at SHSU and need extra assistance to complete my degree. Once I obtain my degree and certification to become an EC-6 Generalist Educator in the state of Texas, I plan to work in low-income schools. I want to make the world a better place one child at a time. I hold high expectations for my future students because I know that each of them will be capable of anything in which they set their minds to. These children are the future and the future is unknown. However, I will prepare them for this unknown future to the best of my abilities by giving them a great education and help them develop a hunger for learning. My hope is they will use this hunger to fuel their learing and be able to handle with excellence anything the future brings them. I will give my students the tools they need to be successful in this forever changing world in which we live.