Sam Houston State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known about the parking situations on campus. There really aren't that many parking lots and they fill up extremely quick. You pay almost 100 dollars for a parking pass and then still have to park off campus and walk or in the parking garage and pay $5 so that really kind of stinks.


Nothing really, I love the school.


That being in a leg brace only makes things harder, and that I wish I knew more people.


That so many people would be applying and to hurry up and do my FASFA on time. Also I needed to know my major.


I wish I had enrolled in this school before attending a private math and science college up north. This school has the quality of a private university with the state college cost, and the professors here have more background and experience than that joke of a forty thousand dollar a year institution I transfered out of. Given the experience of a typical state university, students have more leeway to explore what they want to study from chemistry to literature.


When you apply for the honors college in Sam Houston and get accepted you automatically get a 10,000 dollar scholarship. That would have really helped with paying my education so far. There is many more opportunities to earn money in the school like work study or other type of organizations where you can earn scholarships.


The summer before my first semester of college was filled with lots of worrying. I had to prepare myself to move away from my home and start all over in a new place. I definitely was scared. I wish I would have known that my life was going to change but it was going to be better. Many great new friends and interesting educational experiences awaited me. I would learn to adapt to the change and would become a stronger person because of it. If i would have know this, I wouldn't have been scared, but excited.


I wish I had known how tiring it was going to be to spend all day at the school walking around to get where you need to be, as well as just how hard I needed to look and find scholarships to pay for my education.


I Transfered from another University after 1st semester as a Freshman, It just was not a good fit., even with going to the campus ,taking tours, it just was not for me. Played soccer and it was just 24/7 with the soccer team and no time to for relationships outside of soccer. They also dropped my major without saying anything. So like it or not I had to leave. I did alot of hard looking and weighing the pro and cons before deciding to attend Sam Houston. I'm glad I did.


How much AP classes help out.