Sam Houston State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The professors.


I love the people at my school. The professors, overall, tend to be really knowledgeable and very open if you need help. And your peers become to be some of your greatest advantages with study groups and tutoring. Everyone is so friendly and they do not judge you for what you wear or where you come from. I also like the fact that everyone shows that they are going through the same things you are with school and even relationships, so there is always someone to talk to.


Even if you are having a tuff time in a class, most of the time if you talk with your teacher and disscuss your concerns they will try their best to help you bring your grade up. This may mean extra work, tips on studying, study guide, or just a talk about what you need to improve on and how that can be made possible.


The best thing about my school is that all the Math professors are very helpful with real life experiences. Most of them have worked in a field and are now here to help teach that field to students. They really want us to learn and know how to do this stuff even after we leave the classroom.


The best thing about my school was that it always had plenty going on. No matter who you are there was always something for you to do, whether it be parties or clubs on campus or recreational outings. You could never say there was nothing to do.


Small campus


criminal justice


The atmosphere and the people


the surrounding environment, and the diversity.


The best thing about Sam Houston are the students who attend this school, everyone is very friendly and willing to help eachother.