San Diego Mesa College Top Questions

What should every freshman at San Diego Mesa College know before they start?


I remember my senior year in high school, the year I had to make a decision as an adult for my future. I remembered one particular teacher, it was my English teacher. During class, she would repeat herself numerous times and said ?go get your education, get free money and pursue your career." I ignored her message until I found out that I would not be able to attend the University of my Dreams. I did not have the financial needs to cover my tuition and books. I do not regret making my decision, I am currently attending a community college and I learned a valuable lesson from my decision. The advice I would give myself is to not wait for the last minute but to plan everything early, apply for scholarships and apply for financial aid. And if I would get rejected and not win the scholarship that I applied for, all I need to do is keep my chin held high and look forward to other opportunities. Although there may be challenges along the way, education is an important part of life.


I would tell myself not to wait so log and go right to college and not to mess around. life would be so much easier not to have to go to school in your 30s.


When i was in high school, i did not study that much i would feel confident with the material but i believe if i did study just a little more I would have gotten better grades. I did not do bad my last year of high school but my grades could have been higher than what I had. The problem i have had in college is with the studying of my classes. College is so much different that high school, because the teachers are not bugging or pushing you to get the work done. I was used to the help of my teachers wanting me to succed and my college professors just come to class teach and some of them do not even know your name. I have gotten used to that but everything is a work in progress. If I had known that before, i would have started since high school just to get a head start with getting used to a new way to study and get good grades.


If I could go back and give myself advice as a senior in High School, I feel that I would tell myself to be prepared. I would tell myself that college is going to be an illuminating and unforgetable experience. However I will definitely need to work on responsiblity and studying habits. I would tell myself that College is nothing like High School, college is not just about earning the best grades and having the coolest friends. college is about your future, get ready because you are going to have the greastest opportunity of your life and that is to choose your future. You can be who ever you like. You dreamed of this as a child and now you can make your dreams goals. I would encourage myself to apply for scholarships because working 40 hours a week during the summer can be a hastle. I would also tell myself that all the volunteer and community service was not only fun and gratifying but it will help you to be a better person. Be prepared and never lose faith because math class is going to be real challenge to pass.


Even if it takes a little more effort than you thought it would, do it right. Taking classes and giving just enough effort to get by will be of no service to you or anyone else in the future. Give it all you?ve got, and become well rounded and educated. Race, religion and gender will not hold you back if you use your smarts and get a good, solid education. Don?t let anyone?s words or attitudes toward you and your goals discourage you. Find someone who has been there and model them. Attitude is everything. Do not doubt or second guess yourself. Know that you can do anything you put your mind, energy and dedication to. Everything and everyone else will fall in place if you put your focus in the right area at the right time, and the right time is now!


be alert in class and take notes. go home and review the materials right away and don't postpone it till exams time. have fun and enjoy the rest of the day when you finish your homework early :-)