San Diego State University Top Questions

Describe the students at San Diego State University.


San Diego State students know when to study and when to have fun, and they do it all with passion and enthusiasm.


Hardworking fun individuals that can work hard on their homework and studies but are great friends outside of class as well.


My classmates are approachable, dedicated and want to keep a balanced life between school work and social life.


Most of my general educatin classes contain around three hundred to five hundred students, however, even if you do not know anyone in the class, people are usually friendly and easy to talk to.


My classmates are academic and goal oriented people who seem to manage their time wisely and stay on top of things.


In this school, people are generally friendly and helpful so it is easy to get along with just about everybody in your class and you can always count on them to help you out or form a study group before a big test.


There is no way to describe my classmates in one sentence, because San Diego State is a very diverse campus that attracts people from all different backgrounds, social classes and beliefs.


My classmates are well-adjusted open-minded people who come from around the world to make up an enormously diverse student body, bringing with them new ideas and customs that make San Diego State a truly unique environment.


Most of them do not strive to preform their best; however, there are those who try academically to preform their best.


My classmates are very friendly,some belong to diverse ethnic groups, they are very motivated. We enjoy forming study groups, we exchange lectures and notes as well. Everyone blends in very well in this campus.