San Diego State University Top Questions

Describe the students at San Diego State University.


Some are interesting and have original personalities, and others fall into the sterotypical southern california lifestyle that is portrayed in the media. In order to find a well balanced and interesting yet fun group of friends be prepared to put yourself out there in order to find your nitch. It is a big campus and it can be easy to get lost in the huge crowds.




very diverse in culture and in attitude.


Somewhat helpful and very competitive.


my classmates are a mix between oblivious and focused.


They don't care about their education they just want to pass so they can resume drinking and partying 24/7.


Mostly Fratty and Sorority.


I feel that all students would be able to find a group at SDSU that would make them feel comfortable and allow them to be themselves. Many students dress casually for class; for example, jeans, flip-flops, t-shirts, sweatshirts, sun dresses, etc. Yes, you can definately see many different types of students interacting whether in class, in clubs, or on campus. Most students at SDSU are from somewhere in California. There are some students from out-of-state and foreign countries, but the majority is from California. I think that you can find students from all different financial backgrounds, however in my personal experience, most people that I know are from very financially stable backgrounds. I also know a lot of people that work and support themselves through school.


I hate AS. They think they own the school. Little clubs like mine always get pushed around by the massive AS stomping around the campus. The only students that might feel out of place here are the emo kids. Emo kids don't last long. It isn't uncommon to wear your swimsuit under your cloths during the warm days. After class, it's nice to jump in the nice new pool we have that opened up in Spring 2007. Yeah, they are about four tables in the dining hall, that's way it's always crowed. Most SDSU students are from around town.


I hate AS. They think they own the school. Little clubs like mine always get pushed around by the massive AS stomping around the campus. The only students that might feel out of place here are the emo kids. Emo kids don't last long. It isn't uncommon to wear your swimsuit under your cloths during the warm days. After class, it's nice to jump in the nice new pool we have that opened up in Spring 2007. Yeah, they are about four tables in the dining hall, that's way it's always crowed. Most SDSU students are from around town.