San Diego State University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


My school is known for having diversity.


SDSU I think is best known for being a place to get a pretty good educatition for a decent price.


Basketball team, Businesss and nursing program


My school is best known for their sports as well as there greek like. Our school is very big on supporting each team that we have, and a lot of Alumn still come out to our games and show great support so our school spirit still thrives. Our greek life is also a huge factor on our campus, and more than half of the campus is involved with a greek org in one way or another.


School spirt. This school has a proud group of students that attend and even when they are alumni they are still incredibly proud have graduated from this school. There are life long friendships that are made they have so much diversity that it is easy to be part of an incredible melting pot of people.


San Diego State is known for a wide variety of assets, sports--we are quite proud of our basketball team--and excellence research opportunities. Some say SDSU is comporable to a UC due to its extensive research opportunities.


San Diego State Univeristy was best know, in the 80's, for it's football team, business department and reputation as a party school.


Research, Academic Excellence and Community Service.


Sports, Academics, and social actitivities


SDSU is known for being a party school; but it is very possible to study here as well without getting distracted. Best of both worlds!