There are hundreds of groups on campus. If you are interested in something, you will probably find a group for that. Since orientation day the university encourages you to get involved and I think that is really good, very important for your personal development. There are many fraternities and sororities too, you can join them during rush week and you often see their booths around campus where you can ask for information.
Students living on-campus are very friendly, they often leave their doors open they might not mind if you come in their room to say hi or just hang out and chat.
Athletic events are extremely popular; Viejas Arena is usually sold out for the basketball games and Qualcomm Stadium gets pretty crowded for football games. Everybody is proud of being an Aztec and going to the games is a great way to unite as a university.
At the beginning of the semester we have several events to welcome freshman, they are so much fun and it is a great opportunity to meet new people. There are also parties throughout the semester; bottomline is that you will never get bored at SDSU!
The athletic department here gets great support from students, faculty, and the community. Its a fun time to go see the basketball and football players on the court or field representing the school. There is a great variety of clubs and organizations to join. Many are in fraternities and sororities. If thats not for some people, there are others where its great to go and be involved in.
There are LOTS of groups on campus. Any interest you have, there's probably a group for it.
Athletic events, guest speakers, and theater are very popular! People love to represent and support SDSU!
I met my closest friend, Mackenzie, in a class actually!
There are always parties going on, but you don't have to go to them, so I would suggest not going to them!
The fraternities and sororities are really prominent. Even if you aren't in one, they're always holding events and playing strange pranks all over campus.
Last weekend, I did homework.
There a lot of groups that you can be involved in! There are the 130 organizations on campus that relate to anything from your major, your cultural background, to your political affiliation. This school also holds a lot of fraternities and sororities, from the cultural ones, to the social ones, to the community service-based ones.If organizations aren't your thing, there are always the sports games that you can attend, and all the concerts that are hold at Viejas Arena or Open Air Theater. SD State is just loads of fun!!
Film Club is sweet.
The most popular organizations on campus are the Greek Fraternities and Sororities. I am involved in the Delta Gamma sorority. We have almost 200 female members in are actively involved with community service organizations and social organizations. In my experience in the dorms, no one really left their door open in the dorms. As far as athletics, basketball is widely supported but football is not. I am not sure about the dating scene. Most guys that I come across at SDSU are jerks and are immature. I met my closest friends through my sorority and meeting guys out at fraternity parties. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I am either hanging out with my roommates at my house, out partying with my friends, or studying at the library. If you are looking for a party, regardless of the day, night, or time, it is almost impossible not to find one. Last weekend, I went out to the bars down in Pacific Beach with my friends. Many times on Saturday nights, I either go out to dinner with some friends, studying at the library, or hang out at my house. When I go off-campus, I either go shopping, out to eat, down to the beach, or out to the bars.
The coolest club on campus is für sicher, German Club! Viva Deutschland. My closest friend does not go here. Her name is Meike, she's from Neu-Isenburg, Germany, and we met through a German program called LetterNet. She and I have been great friends for over 3 years. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday night, for your safety, don't come near me, I think sleep is the only thing keeping me looking young, with out it I would look sehr hässlich. Last weekend, I went home to spend a little time with the Master Cheif, then I came back Saturday night to go to the gym and then study and make a trip to the library.
The coolest club on campus is für sicher, German Club! Viva Deutschland. My closest friend does not go here. Her name is Meike, she's from Neu-Isenburg, Germany, and we met through a German program called LetterNet. She and I have been great friends for over 3 years. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday night, for your safety, don't come near me, I think sleep is the only thing keeping me looking young, with out it I would look sehr hässlich. Last weekend, I went home to spend a little time with the Master Cheif, then I came back Saturday night to go to the gym and then study and make a trip to the library.
The Greeks are the most popular groups. They rule Homecoming and AzFest and all the social things. They chant and make themselves known on campus.
I'm involved in at least 8 organizations. The only one that runs like a real organization is the National Society of Engineers. We have the fewest people on the executive board (only 5), yet we can make things run smoothly. Plus, we really care about our general body, not how many bodies we can get to come out and sit and not take anything with them when they leave.
The students in the dorms close their doors, but some are rude enough to leave them open to blast music. It also depends on where they're from and what dorm you're in.
Athletic events aren't that popular after the first couple games, Homecoming, or a game versus BYU.
Guest speakers and theater aren't popular unless its required by class to go.
Dating is horrendous. Guys are only after one thing. Girls are deceitful. The good girls don't get the good guy. The good guy is a loner. It's really sad.
I met my closest friends through the Afrikan Student Union.
I know that Homecoming, AzFest, and finals happen every year. Nothing new or exciting.
At SDSU, party nights start on Wednesday and end on Sundays.
Greek life is important to the individual if they care. I myself don't care.
I spent my past weekend volunteering (as I always do) on Saturday morning, running errands, and working all day on various projects at home. On Sunday, I went to church, I took a friend to Denny's, I went to dance practice, and I studied and finished a couple projects.
For non-alcoholic Saturday nights, you can go out clubbing if you can find an 18 and up place, go to a party, go bowling or hanging out, or you can go see a movie.
Since I live off campus, I eat, sleep, take showers, change, babysit, and a million other things off campus.