San Diego State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about San Diego State University?


How beautiful my school is and how close to the beach it is.


How many fine chicks there are


Pretty girls, business department, Formula SAE program (engineering)


How much growth I have experienced here, like being more open minded and learning so much. Also, how much there is to do in San Diego.


This school has a beautiful campus and it's tons of fun.


The campus and location is ideal as it being the most popular state college in California. The weather is nice as well.


I just talk about how happy I am overall attending the university and living nearby it's location.


How much fun it is, the girls, and the fun classes such as surfing


There is always something to do at SDSU. No matter what you are passionate about, there is somewhere you will fit in. If you are willing to put in the time and effort, you will be rewarded when it comes to your GPA. There are several ways to study abroad and the staff will help you find the best place to go that will fit your school plan.


San Diego State has a lot to offer students and is well connected with the city. There is always something going on on-campus, whether it's a basketball game or a concert. Also, San Diego State has the reputation of being a party school, however there are plenty of students who are academically focused, and plenty of things to do that don't involve drinking.