San Diego State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about San Diego State University? Why?




I think the worst thing about the school is the party atmospher there. I do not drink a lot and it is anoying to have so many people who get drunk every weekend.


The worst thing about SDSU is the lack of small classes. Many of the professors are incredible and will get you passionate about what you are studying, but because of the budget cuts, many have been fired or forced to teach in large lecture halls.


worst things are the parking situation, buying a parking permit does not guarantee you a parking spot, th e lack of elevators in the older buildings.


The worst thing about my school would be boring teachers. The teachers COULD BE a little bit more upbeat about the subject.


After graduating, hearing that there were several students who were caught selling illegal substances. Many of the students were affliiated with fraternities and sororities. It was dissappointing to hear since the school has a party repuation and is now linked to drug use. As an older student, not living on campus, I was not exposed to the circulating drugs and alcohol and I think that people will get the wrong idea about the school because of this incident.


All the things that had happened, a lot of drug dealers and a lot of students doing drugs.


The only thing that i would conisder the worst thing about my campus is the parking situation. Not enough parking to share with students and special events. Also the availability of classes.


The worst thing about this school is not having enough courses. There are many students enrolled in this university but not enough teachers to support courses for all the students.


I am sometimes late for class because I have to walk a mile to get across the campus to another class. It is not that big of a deal but it is one thing that slightly bothers me. There is not much that I don't like about it.