San Diego State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about San Diego State University? Why?


They are very focused on the fresh out of high school kids but don't do much for older students or grad students.


Too many people and not enough parking. They keep accepting more and more freshman each year breaking new student records and this is effecting class availablitity. Parking is crazy, too much traffic and not enough space.


I think the worst thing about this campus is how lenient the school is. Students in fraternities and sororities continue to have parties and binge drink on the weekends. There is also a bar on campus, which i think should be removed because it gives students the opportunity to consume alcoholic beverages before night classes.


The worst part would have to be the heat during half of the year, and that a lot of the classes are just to big to have a personal expierence with the instructor. Also we've got some teachers with some pretty thick accents who don't care about your ability to understand them.


It is nearly impossible to get the classes you need in your lower division classes, especially if you have a work schedule to consider. The classes that everyone has to take are so impacted its unreal. If the class has 50 seats on the first day of class they will all be filled, plus about 30 crashers. I've been forced to take classes at local community colleges in addition to SDSU because of it.


The only thing I do not like at SDSU would be the fact that it such a big campus that it is very difficult to wear heels to school. During high school I always wore heels, however at SDSU its painful to go from class to class. Of course being able to wear heels to school is not a problem for all the students, its just my personal problem.


The fraternity and sorority community is large so the school is centered on the greek life. Fraternities and sororities are great, but they are not for everyone and it's not the greatest when school is centered on that.