San Diego State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at San Diego State University?


Mad dumb bitches, mad frat guys, fake as hell.


People only interested in partying; stupid; drunks; lots of STD's


Some stereotypes I hear are that SDSU is a party school & everyone just parties all the time and show up to classes drunk. Another one is that every girl at SDSU has had atleast one STD.


A common sterotype for SDSU students is that all the students party every night. That SDSU is a very easy school to get into and to graduate from. And also the idea of having a successful career after graudating from SDSU is unrealistic.


A common sterotype for SDSU students is that all the students party every night. That SDSU is a very easy school to get into and to graduate from. And also the idea of having a successful career after graudating from SDSU is unrealistic.


Students are very materialistic, shallow, and self-centered. They are also looked down upon by the students that come from wealthlier backgrounds and attend University of San Diego or UCSD as less competent. SDSU also has a strong party stigma.


The main stereotypes about SDSU is that it's a party school.