A healthy person who has no problems with mobility issues; can walk alot and do stairs without a problem.
It seems someone who is party-oriented may have a better time at this school. I myself am not much of a partier, but there are other clubs and activities available for a pretty large variety of interests.
A person who really wants to try something different should attend San Diego State University. I understand a lot of academically striving students are unhappy being compared to their not-as-achieving classmates but it really does build character and a good social understanding. It might not be the best thing on a piece of paper but it about what it makes of you as an individual.
someone who is socially active not afraid to take risks. Someone who is a leader and challenges other people daily. Should be fairly good student. If you do your homework and pay attention in class there really is no way to fail. Teachers are pretty accomodating when it comes to the needs of the students.
People that are outgoing, hardworking, good students and responsible. Students that are not easily pressured into things will probably do better academically here. People who want to have a great college expierence .
Someone who is open minded and prepared for a challenge.
Nursing intrests or buesiness nothing else, eveything else takes way too long and they make you take class that have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING related to wht you are studying and most of them are harder than hey should be for a freshman or sophy. Also this school is over run my materiallistic vurtues that bow me out of the water. Girls spend more time getting ready for school than a final and guys use the gym more than i brush my teeth, (which is twice a day )
any kind of person can attend this school. it is pretty diverse and accepting. you should be motivated to do well in this school and also be able to afford tuition or have the resources to get financial aid, san diego gets expensive and students should be aware of the cost of living.
A care-free individual who understands the sacrifices necessary to complete a task while still maintaining their own identity.
SDSU is a great school for outgoing people who love good weather all year long. San Diego State is geared towards helping it students graduate and get into careers of their choice. Motivated students do better on this campus because of the mass amount of students who attend.