San Diego State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend San Diego State University?


Person who would needs one-on-one learning that many private institutions provide. This school provides many large lectures that it gets hard to ask questions during lecture.


Someone who is not a hardworker. Someone who will likely give in to peer pressure.


People who are unfocused and easily distracted by social interaction. It is so hard to get classes now, so you must be ready to take full loads in order to graduate in 5 years at least.


A person who wantsto be involved in a sorority or fraternity. A person is is looking to have a very strong social life.


Someone who prefers a small intimate college in a quiet rural or sububuan area.


The kind of person that should not attend this school is someone who is not willing to make the effort in succeeding in their classes. Those who do not care if they Fail classes or those who do not attend regularly like they should. It is not fair because someone else could be filling their spot.


People that feel that the social life can get in the way with ones school work should not attend this school or any other school in San Diego for that matter.


Someone that wants a small campus and small class rooms should not go to this school.


A person that would be easily distracted by outside activities.


Someone who needs a lot of quiet time as there are many loud serorities and fraternities around campus. Someone who has no motivation for learning and only partying.