San Diego State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about San Diego State University?


The first thing that comes to mind is PARKING. The school sells more parking passes than there are spaces, the first month of classes is a nightmare. After the first month lots of students drop classes and parking gets a little better. It never is pleasant, but after the first month it's not that bad. The school shops actually sell a bumper sticker that says "Please tell my professor I'm going to be late because I can't find parking". But that's the only thing, San Diego State University is a wonderful school and I recommend it.


How much greek life rules the school.


The most frustrating thing about the school would have to be the long lines during lunch/at the cafeteria/east commons/


Trying to find parking during the first two weeks of class, because the school hires parking attendants/ local law enforcement to direct traffic around the campus and into the parking structures. They will often tell you that a parking lot is full when in fact it is not. They cause much more delay than when we do not have people directing traffic around the parking lot areas of campus.


The traffic to get to school and the major influence that the Greek system has on the universities student body.


There are a lot of high in demand classes, so a lot of the time, there's not enough space, and one can't enroll in a class they need.


The lack of academic advising and not getting the classes you need.




Professors' expectations.


If you get into trouble the people who work at the Center of Rights and Responsiblities never believe that you are telling the truth just because of your age.