San Diego State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish that I knew not to underestimate the classes and financial aid. I wish I knew that financial aid isn't always free. I wish I knew about the academic probation system and how it works. I wish I could've told myself to focus and go to class everyday no matter how boring the courses are.


I wished I had know that most of the classrooms would have at least 200 students with only one professor.


The things that I would have wished I knen before I came to SDSU is how helpful the advisors are.


I wish that someone could have put me in contact with my counselor for my major. When you e-mail or call the school to find information about your intended major a counselor who only knows of general education requirements will respond. They aren't very helpful at all, especially if you live out of state. I just wishit was easier to get in contact with someone who knew more about my major before I transfered in.


I wish I knew more about ethnic soroirties and fraternities at state, as well as more about the majors and how finding classes would be. Sometimes it is very difficult to get the classes you need, because it is so impacted and you have to readjust your schedule. And I feel more diverse greek orgs could add more fun and excitement to the campus.


I wish I had known how to actually study, which methods work best for me and how to prepare for college level tests. I wish I had known how to balance my time and prioritize and schedule myself.


How to actually study for exams


That I would have to join a fraternity to have any hope of doing anything socially on weekends.


Although I was warned about how difficult it is to adjust to a life without rules and parents, I wish I had taken heed to this advice much more seriously than I did. Although I did well in all of my courses, I know I could have done better than I did and with this new knowledge, I will be going into my sophomore year much more prepared and ready to learn. It is a challenge to get used to the idea of this newfound freedom,


I wish someone would have told me how friendly the students,faculty and teachers are at this school. Everyone helps each other succeed, no one wants to see you fail here and they try everything they can to make sure it doesn't happen.