I consider the lifestyle very important: it's a fine balance between laid-back and responsible. I have always loved the beach as well as the weather in San Diego, and San Diego State offers great proximity to downtown as well as the beach communities, but is far enough away to isolate yourself and get some homework and studying done as well.
The best thing about my school is the the challenge level. The professors expect a lot out of the students and in result, the students work harder .
The best thing about my college is that it is giving me the opportunity to earn my degree. I know I was one of the few to be chosen to attend. The campus is really beautiful too and they have events happening often on campus.
The best thing about the school I attended was the freedom one had to explore different classes and being able to find yourself within them also having that support one needs when being away from home and being a first time student in a very diverse area.
You feel as though you belong, because the weather is beautiful and the people are friendly.
The best thing about San Diego State has to be the location. Since San Diego State is so close to the beach the school offers classes that you get university credit for that lets you try things that you may not have been able to before such as surfing, sailing, wakeboarding, and so many more water activities. Also through our recreation center they offer activities such as rock climbing, camping, hiking and many more outdoor activities. Going to San Diego State is awesome because of all the amazing opportunities.
I would consider the diversity here the best aspect of San Diego State. Every day when I am walking to my different classes, I see people from just about every background possible. Plus, we have several clubs and organizations that support all the different cultures and ethnicities here at SDSU. Diversity was a big seller for me. It adds a lot to your education to be able to meet people from all over and learn about so many distinct and different cultures from your own.
The best aspect about my school would be the social activities. At San Diego State there is always something to do no matter what type of person you are. On campus, there's a movie theater, bowling alley, a theater where plays and concerts are frequently held, and an amazing gymnasium for intramural sports teams. It is a big school, but there are so many different outlets for students to get connected with other students who share the same qualities.
San Diego State has a very large student population. Although this can be very frustrating at times, it allows students to asscoiate with young adults from other countries and ethnic backgrounds. The professors who teach at SDSU realize this opportunity and utilize their students' differences in their lessons by asking everyone, American or otherwise, to share their opinions or experiences on the topic. This regular practice allows not only for critical thinking skills on the part of the students but, for a better understanding of the world around us.
Despite the fact that everybody considers SDSU to be a party school and that no one cares about academics, the curriculem and professors really push you and attempt to prepare you for your desired professions in life. We're not as academically focused because when you get in the real world you can't consult a textbook. Our majors demand hands on experience. I'm required to immerse myself in several other cultures, travel, study abroad, and intern. So when I decide to pursue my profession I feel prepared and obtained a sense of who I am and my purpose.