San Diego State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I love that my school is culturally diverse and open-minded. We have many members of the LGBT community, people with different political views, and people of different races and ethnicities. My school also has a great environment, with many resources on campus that are very useful.


It's easy to meet new people and join groups. Can always find something to do if you feel like it.


There are so many people at this school and it makes it really easy to find friends and to find people who have similar interests and academic goals as you.


The best thing about my school is the enviornment. SDSU is a lively and friendly campus but it does have a soft feel to it. It is a very comfortable campus to spen time studying and socializing.


There are a lot of people to meet , and events to attend. If you find the right classes you really enjoy them.


The best thing about this school is the diversity it holds with every single student. This School is a melting pot of everything and anythign.


close to the beach. Teachers are friendly.


The best thing about my school is it gave me the opporunity to get involved on campus. Through that I was able to meet new people. By getting involved you become apart of the campus/student body. Through that I was able to network and eventually get an internship for the Fall 2008.


The diversity


the diversity of things to do on campus