San Diego State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Currently, the best thing about SDSU is probably the weather.


I think the best thing about my school is the library /computer lab area because there is so much space there and so many different floors you can study on so that you will not be distrubed


I love the actual campus itself. Even though it is not extrenely close to the beach, the weather is always nice, and you can chill on the grass and do homework. There is always a place to go to relax and destress during your school day.


I like the fact that our professors and teaching asssoicates are very accessible. I was able to get a lot out of office hours when I took my first chemistry course in college. When it comes to outside-of-class time, the faculty-to-student ratio is good.


If you know who to talk to, there are so many opportunities available. All professors in my field , Biology, are required to run a lab that does research and most of them need interns. This experience goes great with a resume and provides many opportunities to get connections.


The best thing about my school is that it's a city in its own. You have everything you need.


Hotel and Tourism Mangement School- rare and strong program with real life experience and people who care


My campus is very laid back and it has a lot of free-spirited people. It is good at getting students involved and the atmosphere is always open and fun.


The best part is that it's where I grew up, so I'm comfortable with the area, and the people who are usually around. Other than that, the best part about SDSU would have to be that for the most part the people here are friendly and laid back.


The school encourages and provides what is needed for success. There are resources available in order to finish the course work neccessary in order to graduate on time.