There are generally group activities occuring year round. I can always count on seeing new pledges for sorrorities and fraternities roaming the campus. One of my favorite things to attend are the intermural basketball games on campus.
I am a member of Japanese Assorciation but never participate the activity before. The one of the reason is I do not want to make Japanese friends that much since I am here for studing English. I always try to attatch the English rather than my first language.
I am a member of Japanese Assorciation but never participate the activity before. The one of the reason is I do not want to make Japanese friends that much since I am here for studing English. I always try to attatch the English rather than my first language.
SFSU holds many great activities such as mock interviews, meet and greets, resume assistance, and work experience through internships.
Like most colleges, SFSU has its share of social activities/organizations. During the first three weeks of each semester, organizations set up tables and recruit new members. These organizations include academic clubs, sororities/fraternities, special interest groups, etc. Anyone can start a new club as long as he/she has five members, with one being the president and one being the treasurer.
I think the student organizations are helpful because they allow students to network. I joined the Accounting Students' Organization and am now an officer in the club after three semesters. As a result of participating with this group, I am in personal contact with firms who are offering me summer internship opportunities and even the prospect of job immediately upon graduation!
I was very active in ASO, and this organization is not treated correctly by the OSLPD. They always award Beta Alpha Psi, the fraternity for accounting students, because they have higher standards. ASO does not discriminate accounting students based on their GPA. Accounting students are given a fair opportunity to get exposed to accounting firms.
I drove near school several times at night time, and saw that there were a lot of drunken people.
My hobbies involve playing texas hold'em
There are a lot of organizations and activities on campus. However, I'm not currently involved in any of them because I have to be more focused on studying.
i dont go any activites.
For accounting students, Betal Alpha Psi and the Accounting Students' Organization (ASO) is two common student organization on campus. I am involved in both group, and am an officer for ASO. I don't know much about athletic events or the dating scene, since I am not looking into those areas. There are always guest speakers and performances on school, but I never attend because of schedule conflicts. If I am up at 2am on a Tuesday, I am usually writing a paper or doing some kind of reading for a class. Last weekend, I went to an awards banquet that included professionals from the accounting world, and went to a house party, where we played poker, wii, and ate finger foods. If I am at a nondrinking event, its can be playing billards, bowling, or some games.