San Joaquin Valley College-Visalia Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about San Joaquin Valley College-Visalia!


San Juaquin Valley College is a more hands on learning school. The teachers work more with you when you need it. The are set on teaching the profression you are there to learn about instead of teaching the things that don't matter to your profession.


San Joaquin Valley College is a private jounior college that is fast pace and student friendly. We have a wide range of degrees, business administration, human resources, respitory therapy, medical assistant, criminal justice. SJVC wants you to succeed they offer carerr services, student help, such as gas vouchers, food panteries, carpooling, ect.


What's unique about San Juaquin Valley College is that it's only a fourteen month program, the school is more hands on. The instructors care about there students and care to know there students. The instructers are more then willing to help there students out. They motivate there students to be at there school.