San Jose State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about San Jose State University?


The most frustating thing about San Jose State University, is that know that we are facing a hard time due to the budget, there are not enough classes and students have to be searching for them. Also students are going to be taking more time to graduate because sometimes there are not enough classes and we have to take other ones that we really do no need.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the workload but at the same time it's a good thing to be challenged because it prepares you for the real world.


Hafting to wake up and go to class.


I think the most frustrating thing is the price to live on campus. It's too much money and it keeps going up every year.


Parking is the most frustrating thing about my school


No get up and go


The school admits too many students and does not have places for all the admitted students within the class rooms. It is sort of a flea market system in the first week of class and after wards it is calmn and very acamemia like.


Availability of classes. A lot of classes are not available if you don't register early enough. They become filled up and don't admit any new students who want to add.


Some professors are extremely unhelpful, and put ridiculous stresses on their students for classes required for graduation, but otherwise unrelated to the students chosen major.

