Dear prospective student,
Every college has it's own identity, just as you are a unique person, so are the colleges you are debating. Similarly, just as no person has just one layer to them, no college has just one layer to itself. Where ever you choose do not second guess it. College is about growing in an atmosphere of wise freedom, to form responsibility and a self-awareness which compels to positive actions. Too often parents who are alumni push their college legacy on their children. However, you must find your place for yourself and once you are there, remember there are many elements to a college, be it:socially, artisically, culturally, athletically, or purely academically. Find your place specific to you and flourish in it while dipping your toe into the others to experience them as well, do not limit yourself. This is a learning experience inside the classroom as well as outside, make the most of it, create a unique experience for your unique self.
Try to visist your potential campus community before you agree where to go. Ask questions and dont' be afraid to challege your tourguides for what life if really like beyond "the ideal picture"
I would advise parents to help their student determine exactly what he/she is looking for in a university and settle for nothing less. In order to make the most of one?s college experience, each student must find his/her home away from home. To do so, I am a firm believer that prospective students MUST visit the campus and meet current students, because a university is only as good as the people who make up its community. Prospective students, the best way to answer your burning questions is to ask students and professors at each school. One great way to be immersed in a university community is to stay overnight with a host student and shadow his/her classes. Trust your feelings about each campus you visit. You will know which one is right for you.
At your university, be open to new experiences. Be open-minded. Sometimes the most unexpected situations play an important role in forming who you will be long after your undergraduate career. Don?t close doors to the unknown. Leap out of your comfort zone and run with whatever comes your way. Be confident. Be daring. Most importantly, be comfortable to be yourself.
College is a one in a life time opportunity. Parents are able to see their children grow and mature as young adults to adults while students are able to truly feel independent when attending college. However, the main intent of learning at this institution has slipped the minds of many as the main isssues that come to mind when deciding where to go is distance. Many students attempt to apply to colleges that are miles away from home while parents wish to keep their children at the closest university/college. Both sides are failing to recognize that the distance of the college is all part of the experience of growing up and learning from this process is not as easy as it sounds. So I advice parents and students to take into consideration of the economic, emotional, and physical effects of distance without thinking of "getting away "or "keeping them close" but mainly just thinking what is best for me (the student).
Always visit the college if you can. When it came down between a school in Spain, and one within my State, I visited both before making my decision. While I love the Spanish language, and the school was a great, American University which taught in English, I found that Spain just wasn't for me. The city it was in was too crowded, and I found I actually don't quite care for Spanish cuisine. SCU was a much friendlier, open place where I have been able to express myself and find what I actually want to do with my degree and my eventual career. Something you won't find in a brochure or on a website.
I would advise students to think about qualities of each college other than what their National ranking happens to be. Factors like class size, whether TAs or professors will be teaching the class, the location of campus, the student demographics are all important. The college you choose will in essense be your new home for the next four years, so while it should have quality academics and a good reputation, it should also be able to fit your lifestyle. In my case, I enjoy being outdoors and doing as many things outside as possible- which made Santa Clara University a good fit for me. The weather is moderate, which allows me to jog around campus (as opposed to on a treadmill), swim in an outdoor pool, and go to the beach (Santa Cruz) or the mountains (Tahoe). I couldn't imagine myself in a place where rain is normal. I also enjoy having a relationship with my professors which makes a smaller student body ideal. The important thing to remember is that a school should offer a good academic program and have a good reputation, but it should also be a place where you can enjoy being.
You'll go where you're supposed to go. That's what someone told me when I was fretting over which college to choose. I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what, you'll have an experience at a college or university that you needed to have. If you choose the "wrong" place for you initially, maybe you needed to go there for a quarter/semester/year to learn something about yourself and where you really want to be. At the right college, you'll find yourself. I never expected to end up where I ended up and looking back on things I don't know how I made the decision I did. However, I am so grateful for having chosen the college I chose. I hope that someday I can give back to the university that gave me so much and the people there who helped to make me who I am today. So my advice: Don't worry so much. Think about who you are and who you want to be and find the school that offers the most to get you there.
The best advice for prospective college students would be to select a college that will prepare you in the field that you hope to go into. Tuition fees are also really important to consider, especially if money is an issue in your family. It's important to look at the campus life and figure out if you're going to be comfortable there or not. Taking a look at the extra curricular activities offered on campus is also a great way to find out what the university believes in and supports. As a Freshman I lived at home and commuted to school on a daily basis; however, I became actively involved in a multicultural club and made many friends. As a commuter student, I sometimes felt like I was missing out on college life because I didn't live on campus, but if you make an effort to get involved in on campus activities then your experience will be worth while.
Visit the colleges you are interested in and talk to professors on campus. If you know what you want to study, go to that department, if the professors are nice and responsive to a random perspective student, they will listen to you and help you when you are enrolled in their class.
Follow what you want to do, pick the shcool you like not the school you think will help you advance in life, college is supposed to be fun and educational at the same time.