I would tell students to really do their research. Often, the college you think you will like, or the one your friends are attending, may not be the best choice for you. Do not base this research on finances, as many schools will offer financial aid. Keep your eyes open and don't get tunnel vision toward a steriotypical school that sounds nice in theory but may not at all suit your academic and social needs.
I would recommend that parents be as supportive as possible. They should try to take the student on tours at as many schools as possible and not totally disencourage applying to schools that are too expensive. Allow them to make their own choices, but offer advise on what type of school you could picture them getting the most out of.
Finding the right school is not the most important step in one's life, but it can keep one from the stress and depression that can easily arrive with the choice of a wrong one.
Make sure you go on campus tours and seriously consider the atmosphere of the schools you are considering. Being in the right place, surrounding yourself with peers you feel you'll get along with, and being comfortable in your environment will make all the difference in the success you have in college. Good luck!
My best advice to those entering college life, or searching for a college, is to choose a school that will best supplement your needs - social, intellectual, spiritual, and physical. Make sure the surrounding area is a place you can see yourself living because many students often stay during summers. Also make sure the school offers a variety of extra cirricular activities that you are interested in. But most importantly choose a school where you think you will have fun as well as get a good education. You can always challenge yourself, but it is important that you have the freedom and abilities to have fun and enjoy these four years.
Don't limit your children- no matter your financial situation. You will find a way to make it work! It will be stressful, exhausting, and somtimes unbearable, but there are always loans out there as well as countless scholarships. Your children's education must be your priority. They are the future! There is no greater reward, then watching your child walk down the aisle at graduation with pride, knowing that it was because of you that he or she could have that opportunity.
Be appreciative of your parents. They love you- no matter how much you may try to push them away. They have sacrificed more than you can even imagine to get you where you are today. Remember, college is an experience of a lifetime and though a majority of it is academics, don't forget to find out who you are and what you like. There will be ups and downs, no doubt about it, but lean on family and friends- there is no better foundation than those that love you!
Visit the campus to try to get a feel of what environment you will be surrounded with. Talk to as many students as you can who have gone through the application process and are happy with the choice that they made. Talk to students who currently attend or graduated the colleges that you are interested in. Check out the school website. If you need financial aid, check the school's financial aid policy. Try to imagine what it would be like to attend the schools you are interested in. Research the classes and the teachers. Check the school size. make sure the school is not too big or too small for you. Look at how the students interact with eachother. Look at the type of food that they serve because you will be eating there many times. Look around campus and see if there are stores, shopping malls, a beach or any where you would be interested in going. look at the housing options. Take a look at all of the opportunities the school offers. Most importantly, do not listen to what other people want; go with your gut instincts. If it feels right to you, go for it.
Choose the college that best satisfies you and your desired major, otherwise a lot of time will be spent wasted changing majors. Also pick the college in which the area it resides in best fits your preference.
I just so happened to get lucky in my choice of school at Santa Clara University because it opened so many doors for me, but the most important thing to look for in a school in the resources and activities to get involved in on campus. The best way to make the most out of the college experience is to meet people who are like-minded through community involvement, campus clubs, and also getting in with the professors through research is also very helpful. The people you will meet at SCU through this types of activities will be your friends for life. It is amazing what you have the potential of learning even outside of the classroom.
The advice I would give to students would be to find a school that balances out all of their interests. You should not pick a school soley on location, academics, or the social scene. Doing this could leave you very fulfilled in one area but overall unhappy. Location, academics, and social scene should all be considered when choosing a school. Remember, this is your home for up to four years and you want to be happy with it on numerous levels. Also, do not pick a school because it is where your friends or significant other is going. You cheet yourself the chance of attending a school that uniquely fits your needs. And when you find that dream school and start your freshmen year of college remember to enjoy the experience and branch out of you comfort zone, this experience is so unique and fulilling if you allow it to be.
Finding the right university boils down to the mutual relationship between parents and their students. Parents: Give your student the space that he/she needs. It is important to let your student decide on their own. Guidance cannot be helpful if it is overwhelming or burdensome. Visiting colleges may be a lot more rewarding than reading pamphlets and brochures, but sometimes a quick chat with an alumnus can not only give your student a better idea of the school, but also the type of person who attends it. Students: Know that your parents are motivated based on your interests. It may seem that they are eager to get you out of the house, but in reality they are just excited to jumpstart you into adulthood. Have patience. Remember, college isn't all about grades and classes. It's about learning how to live on your own, learning how to socialize with people inside and outside of your comfort zone, and most of all, learning what makes you you.
Try not to base the school on your first glance-not all schools seem great on the first visit. The priorities are class size, success of job placement upon graduation, how helpful the professors are, and whether or not the campus is a comfortable environment. There is drinking on every campus so do not base a university upon it, for there is no way to avoid a drinking atmosphere-but make sure that, if there is drinking, the other students do not pressure you into doing so when you don't want to. You know that you are in the perfect school if you can go out to parties and have a fun time without being pressured to have alcohol (or if you have a fun time on weekends relaxing and watching movies in your room with friends not drinking). Do not base your school on what your parents think-only you, the person that is going to attend the college, can make the right choice.