I would tell myself to follow my heart and that the rest will fall into place.
Work hard, study well. Set goals and reach them. Decide on a path and go for it. Never give up.
You will be kicked out of two schools and have no diploma. You will wander from city to city with random friends in search of freedom. You will drive the breath of this continent 12 times over. You will find love, lose it, have it stolen, and reclaimed. You will offer the ultimate sacriface to another family, that of your own blood and bones. You will meet new friends, even ones you wish you didnt, and find long lost soul mates in people you never knew and some you did. You will be given the gift of sight. You will go to hell and back and find your true path several years later. Your family will give up, but in the end you wont. You will perservere without ever compromising who you were and you will graduate college without graduating high school to show that it is not a diploma that makes us, it is the things in this life that make us what we are but how we handle them that defines us. I would tell me to smile because coming from experience, I wouldn't change a thing.
Going back in time for a little needed advice would be simple. "Stop being such a teenager and start thinking about your future." Then again, I would probably just sound like my mother. However, I do believe I could at least point out a few clues as to getting my life straight. I would make sure to let myself know that life is a lot bigger than you. The high school senior who thinks he's better than everyone else. Has all the friends he would want and is top of the world, but at the same time is some how oppressed by his parents. I always understood my parents knew what was best for me, even if I didn't always behave that way. If I could go back and tell myself one thing it would be that my mom was right and it would suite me to not fight it.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myself find a class that makes my scedule fun. If all of the classes on my scedule are tough classes, that will run me down and make me give 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} in my classes. If there is a fun class, it mixes it up a little and make learning fun.
"It won't be easy, so you should start now," I would tell my former high school self. In high school, I tried my best in classes but 'dropped the ball' when it came to college planning. I ended up being less-than-prepared to attend a State school like I had hoped because I lacked one class that I needed. I learned that sometimes even your school counselors overlook seemingly minor details; so ensuring that you're on the right track is ultimately your own responsibility.
Another piece of advice that I would offer would be to plan to attend a community college for two years upon transferring. This improves your chances of getting into a distinguished school because admission is less competitive and allows you and your family to save thousands of dollars. Another bonus of taking the community college route is that there?s no pressure to declare a major immediately, so you doesn't waste time and money taking classes that may not be necessary for what ends up being their definite major. A combination of working hard and smart will lead you to earning a degree and eventually pursuing your lifelong goals; it begins now.
I would advise myself to take chances and to allow change to happen. College is hard to adjust to, and by struggling against it, it only becomes harder.
During my senior year I spended a lot of time with my friends, I was not focus on my education. now that i am in college i learning that we started college the last year of our High School, If i could go back i would teach my self to be responsible and take my classes seriously because in college is totally different. Been a responsible student help us a lot because you have the chance to grow up as a person, for example when i was a senior i was very immature and i was not very responsible, another thing that i would advise my self is to be determinate because it is what is going to take me to succed. Even though I am still learning English because I am only have 3 years in the United States, i realized that i have to work double in order to transfer to a University. Is not late to advice my self and i am going to change and became a responsible and determine student.
The knowledge I have now about college life would have made things much easier for me as a senior in high school, but I believe my experience in a junior college has been a great learning experience. As a senior I would plan on entering Santa Rosa Junior College as an Art Studio Major, a choice that I had not made until my second year at SRJC, and I would also apply for all possible scholarships. I would start off taking math and english classes first because those courses are the most difficult for me. I would know about the intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) when choosing classes. I would use www.assist.org to see major requirements and ideal colleges for my major to prepare for transfering. I would also use www.ratemyprofessor.com to avoid some of those unsatisfoactory teachers on campus. I would know about how expensive books are in college and find alternate places to buy, such as used book on www.amazon.com. My best adivce to myself as a high school senior would be to stay motivated and positive because college is an enjoyable experience!
Mistakes are funny. Sometimes, you make them over and over again, and sometimes you learn just be seeing someone else commit to something foolish. If you're smart, you learn from your mistakes, and this is what you'll do: get out of your parents' house as soon as you can. College life is far more than formal education, it is the stage upon which you become an adult. While living with your parents may seem like a nice way to save money, the cadence of everyday life in your home won't change, and this will keep you from finding out what the world is really like.