A person who really enjoys spending lots of money for smaller classes. A person who needs one on one interaction with their professors and likes a college in the country but with modern conveniences ridiculously close still.
The type of person that should attend this school is someone who is looking for a small school. If you didn't come from a large school or want to experience the small school learning enviornment, you should come here. Also if you like the hands on, one on one experience with your teacers the teachers here are great for that. They are willing to help you at all cost and meeting you for office hours is never a problem. This school requires someone that is willing to get invovled in the community on campus.
Very wealthy people
People who prefer small classes should attend this school. The class siszes are very small compared to most universities so you have a better opportunity for one-on-one time with your professors if you need help.
This school is definitely for people who enjoy the small-town atmosphere, for it is about an hour from San Antonio, the nearest big city.
A person that is serious about getting an education. The professors are here to help you, only if you want the help and be serious about your education.You will get one on one with your professors, because they care about you when you are not in the class. They are checking on you when you are out, due to you might be ill or there is personnel problems. They are there to help you and I really like that. Where in a big university, they really do not remember your name.
Someone who is serious about their education and loves the great outdoors.
Someone should attend this school who is very liberal and wants to be surrounded by a very friendly environment. Someone who isn't afraid to voice their opinion because at Schreiner University everyone is heard and nobody gets judged as often as others do at larger University's.
This school is pretty much for anyone. It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, there's always clubs or organizations that fits one's interests. This school is very open and welcome to any and every kind of person.
A student wanting to attend this school should be hard working, motivated , and confident in themselves to be able to do the task that is put in front of them. They must be able to think critically and be able to express their thoughts in the classroom during discussion to show that they have an opinion and maybe change their classmates mind and view about a certain topic.