Schreiner University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Schreiner University?


People who like to party all the time, and people who like to skip their classes.


Schreiner has a very tight community of students, a student who would rather be in a sea of faces should not come to Schreiner. A student who rather remain a face without a name to a professor should not come to Schreiner, and if you do not appreciate one on one assistance then, once again, Schreiner would not be the best choice for you.


If you are a football player, you should not attend this school. Schreiner is not yet big enough to have a football team. This university is located in a small town in the hill country. There is not much to do here. You normally have to be able to entertain yourself. If you are not from the hill country and are use to the big city where there are a bunch of activities you can be involoved in, I think you would be bored here.


Only students who are willing to apply themselves and have integrity in what they are given the chance to learn should attend this school. It's not slacker-friendly.


A person that does not want to attend college and succeed in life


Someone who wants to get lost in a crowd.


Everyone is welcomed


people who like the city and big schools




Someone who wants to succeed at sports or would like to attend a large university or has a very specific career in mind.