Seattle Pacific University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Seattle Pacific University?


People who are not christian should not attend this school. The school is focused on teaching with Christianity and encorpoating the ideas into the Christian ideal. People who are not willing to pray before class, discussed Christianity should not attend.


Anyone who finds religion oppressive or judgmental may wish to not attend this school (although this school might have the potential to change that person's mind)


The only kind of person what would be truly unhappy here is someone who is a very serious party animal. To attend this school you must agree to refrain from drugs alcohol and tobacco, and for someone who has no concept of fun without one or more of those things would not enjoy this school.


SPU is a bad place for non-religious students and those with little money.


Any person who seeks a large school environment. If one desires to remain a nameless face in a lecture hall of hundreds of students, to not be known by one's dorm mates, to not have the opportunity to be involved with student government, to not be challenged to learn as a member of a larger community, then SPU is not the place to be.


I do not think there is a certain kind of person that should not attend Seattle Pacific University. All are welcome. In my opinion, the more diversity, the better. We need more people from diverse backgrounds, and different ways of thinking to enrich our community. To those who are interested in attending, be assured that you will be challenged and encouraged to integrate what you are learning into your whole personhood: head, heart, and hands.


gay atheists


A person that can't handle the idea of rules set by the administration. The biggest rules are against drinking, sex, and drugs. Although there are some people that secretly break the rules. There are all sorts of people at Seattle Pacific University. It is easy to find a place to fit in.


Someone who just wants to goof around and not actually work on their education. SPU isn't the most difficult school, but it's a waste of money if one is going to party all the time. Do it at UW, it's cheaper.