Seton Hall University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Seton Hall University know before they start?


I have gotten that you should always go above and beyond. I have also learned that you should never let go of your dreams. Stick to them and strive to achieve them even if others are against you. It has been valuable to me because I aspire to own my own business and I will need that drive to be successful.


I have benefited greatly from my college experience. I have learned more then I could have imagined and see myself being successful in the future because of this school. I have a good social life and have quite a few life long friends.


I have gained a lot of independence from being at college and learned to be more responsible for myself. In highschool I was always able to slide by without studying. However, once I got to college I realized I had to be more accountable for myself and study the materials given to me. I also learned to be more outgoing. Many of my classes require participation, in the past I would have just sat in class and let my classmates speak. Now, I speak up and voice my opinions in class. I have become much more well rounded since attending college and hope to be able to attend graduate school to obtain my doctorate.


Freshman year of college, I was stepping into a world of uncertainty with no idea of what I wanted to pursue, absolutely no independency, and incredibly poor organizational skills. When I began my first year my mentality and opinion of college was that it was a waste of time and money, and that I had what it took to start a career without years of school. Fortunately my perception drastically changed, as well as, many aspects of my own personality. College has given me a since of pride, motivation for making goals, and an incredibly positive outlook on life. In my experience college isn?t solely about a grade; it is a crucial step in preparation for a fulfilling career, a balanced life, and the drive to keep pushing through every obstacle without giving up. If it wasn?t for the time that I have spent taking courses so far I perhaps would have never been exposed to the subjects that create passion in my life such as psychology, philosophy, and a majority of the humanities courses.


Out of my college experience, I have gotten out a lot. I learned to take my education seriously and that it is not a joke. Friends come and go; you make a lot of them. Some will remain friends and some will stop talking to you. You truly realize who your true friends are. It is said that college is the greatest years of your life - and it truly is. You learn so much in a matter of time and the time just flies by. I believe it is valuable to attend Seton Hall because it is a Catholic University. If it was not so much religion focused, the price would most likely be reasonable.


I got my degree and I learned how to overcome in the face of bigotry.


College itself is a paradigm shift for everyone. It takes one out of his or her comfort zone and causes one to adapt to new living styles and habits. I am from Baltimore, Maryland and although quite comfortable at home and fearful of the unknown as any normal person would be, I knew that I had to go to school away from home for my own personal growth. Living and attending school at home is naturally more comfortable. I depended on my parents for many things and many unknown answers. I even took on their political, religious, and world views. By moving away it allowed me to experience life for myself and gain my own opinions and views. Seton Hall University is a very diverse campus in every sense. I have met many differnt types of people and without judgment have been able to gain an understanding of people from all types of backgrounds whether ethnic, socioecnomic, and/or creed. College has taught me to be more of an individual, to think for myself, and to see situations in a new light.


If I went nback to highschool to talk to my senior self, I would tell her that making the decision about wehich college to attend was not that difficult. Inside she a;lready knew which one she wanted to go. Plus, I would tell her that the major she chose was a great field because she has met a lot of professors that will inspire her. I will tell her not to be anxious about leaving her friends because she will stay in touch with a lot of them and make so many more at school; Being from another state makes it so much more interesing! I would tell her not to worry about missing her family or her boyfriend because the commute to the school is not that much and sometimes she can go to see him on the weekend in the city. Lastly, I would tell her not to stress out about the classes because although they are a bit difficult, high school has taught her well and fully prepared her for the start of her college career.


What does every high school student want to hear? The ideal answer: Yes! Of course! You are completely correct! I know that is what I wanted to hear. I thought I knew it all! Growing up, every person realizes the mistakes they made and sometimes regret not listening to the people that tried to talk some sense into them. However, if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to keep doing exactly what I am doing. The process of hearing and accepting other people's advice helped me grow as a person and realize that there is more to know know compared to all that I claim to already know. The only change I would want to instill in myself is to learn that time managment really is important as everyone says it is. I would also tell myself to keep listening to other people's advice, but still do what my heart desires, after all, that is how I ended up completing this survey!


Everyone wishes they could travel back in time. If I had this opportunity I would return to my senior year in high school and tell myself what I now know about college. The first piece of advice I would tell myself would be to get involved. Join Greek life, a sport, a club, anything to give yourself the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. When you surround yourself with people who have similar interests as you, you will find that you will have more fun and enjoy college so much more. Also while it is important to have fun and meet new people, stay focused. You are there to get an education and do well in your classes. Learn to manage your time wisely, this way you can excel in your classes as well as develop new, everylasting friendships.