Seton Hall University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Seton Hall University?


Scheduling classes and financing thr education


Bailey Hall! The most frustrating administration you've ever met, very anti-student in terms of finiancial help/registration


Isn't the most frustrating thing the worst? Anyway, it would have to be the food. Like I just stated, it starts out not being so bad, but once you eat it for a few weeks you just can't take it anymore. If not for the social aspect of eating, I think it would be a chore to eat. I know a lot of people claim that they gain weight when they home for the summer, since they lose weight from not eating the food here during the year.


That professors do not care when an activity takes up so much time that we pull all-nighters just to get work for our activity and the class done.


The housing rules are very strict. All the dorms in campus hold more than 5 fire drills in a year.


Being flexible in academic requirements and financial aid statuses


tuition price and parking


The most frustating thing about my school is the location of the classes. If one class is on one side of the campus, it will take me to go to another side of the campus to attend my next class.


The frustrating thing is paying for college. Tuition went up and now its making some second guess staying at the university.


The school costs so much money but the academic is not as challenging and rich in quality compared to my high school (it is about the same as my high school). Also, the school invests money in bringing students to the school, yet seem to put other things before thinking about the best for the students. Such an example is investing money in buildings rather than tightening security (because we live in a dangerous area).