When you pick your college that you want to attend think about this on a raining day will I get out of my bed and go to class or just stay in the bed all day just because it is raining.When you can not go home on the weekend will this place remind you of home. If you love small class enviroment pick a smaller campus just make sure that you fill like you can learn something there.When picking your college that you want to attend make sure you have people there that want you to graduate from the university with your degree and with high GPA.
My best advice to give parents and students about finding the right college is to go there and take a tour. I know alot of people who just decided on a college without seeing it. Its better to go and see whats going on first hand then to trust a brochure. By going on a tour you can see not only how the campus looks but also get a feel for how it operates. As far as making the most of the colleg experience only two words to help with that, BE OPEN! In college you're going to see and experience different things just be open and take it all in, these four years will be the best four years of your life!
The advice I would give to students/ parents that are looking for the perfect schoolis stop looking because no school is perfect. Tour as many college campuses through out you junior and senior years of high school as possible. Write down what it is you look for in a school and see who matches it the closest. Look at location and your own personality. Things such as do you want to be far from home, close to home, urban environment or a prep school. Look for where you feel the most comfortable and at home. Me personally, my first choice was North Carolina A&T but being from the small town I am from, Shaw was more at home to me because it was more LIKE home.
Well for me as a music major choosing the right college for me started with evaulating the aspects of music programs. When looking at colleges you should look at the aspects of campus life, education level, admission process, financial aid, and campus activities including groups and social events. As a musician i have to be expose to many skill levels to obtain my degree. For example, when studying music a student would learn mathematics, he or she would have to count the number of beats in the measured. As you learn the values you soon learn to add and subtract in order to find out the counts in a measure or the length of volume to hold out a note. There also comes into place the aspect of history. I use this to evaluate the school's program. When examining finacial aid you use this to determine the right school that gives you the most money for your education. Remember your investing in your future make sure you making all the right decisions. With Social Events you want to make sure that it fits you such as sports, band, social groups, and Fraternities & Sororities.
Make sure you do research and dont just choose a school based on what they can offer money wise or social wise. Make sure that the school fix what the student want to make a career out of and be sure of what you what to major in because it should be something you love. You could be doing this career for life so love what you do and not the money. Far as the experience enjoy the party scene but it should always be after school work is completed because if you dont then you wont be able to stay to party.
I would tell them to first make sure you know everything about this college and set up a tour so you can see what the living conditions are if you planned to stay on campus. Tp make the most of your college experiecne you have to geet along with different kinds of people and explore, make sure you get out and go to a little bt of the parteis but at the same time make your work and classes your first priority.
There is a college that fits everyone who wants to go to school. College is a wonderful experience. It also helps you to get far in life. Going to college is a break through for anyone. Alot of positive things come out of it.
make sure you talk to someone reliable about the school but do not fully take their advice until you visit, make sure you visit.
I would advice students to be open minded about finding the right college. College is full of new experiences and many students discover new hobbies and interest during their college experience. First find colleges that offer degrees in subjects that interest you. Next research the programs and activities the school offers. Most colleges offer scholarship for programs such as sports, fine arts programs, and academic clubs. Next you should find out the cost of tuition and fees. If the school is affordable set aside a date to take a campus tour. Consider all of these factors when making your decision, remember that social programs are very important to a students college experience.