Don't give up. Stick with it. Stay in school and graduate. If not you'll be going back when everyone you graduate with will be graduating from college. Try to go away to school. Live life to the fullest. Don't let anyone get in your way. Try new things, take a chance. You never know what might come your way and change your life forever. And never doubt yourself!
Walking through the hallways of Piketon Jr/ Sr High was a young women who didnt feel noticed, and because she didnt feel noticed she didn't care about much having to do with high school, including her grades. As you guessed that girl was me. If I could go back and talk to myself I would say " Tasha straighten up, theres a big world out there and you will see that once you get to college, you will notice that everyone is basically the same." The younger me would say " I don't think so its all just a fashion contest and the teachers pet wins". I would then tell my self " Your wrong, the one who works hardest and shows drive and passion wins in college. Theres no greater feeling then knowing that you are doing something with your life, and working towards a goal. The best feeling is that you will make a diffrence in your future and what you plan to do will make a positive impact on the lives of others... so straighten up highschool is just the beginning of a wonderful life."
Pack lightly when you move into your dormitory. If possible, talk to your roommates before move-in day. Rooms tend to be smaller in person than they look online and in my opinion, its better to have no microwave than a tower of four or five in your room that is already cramped.
Get involved in your school. You're going to be away from home for weeks at a time. You have the choice to make the next few years of your life an adventure or just something you lived through. Make a real effort to go to as many on-campus events as possible. You never know what could happen or the friends that you'll meet. Also, being involved in service clubs and/or Greek organizations looks good on applications for scholarships and grad school.
Apply for scholarships early and often. Whether your parents have been saving for college since before you were born or you are planning to rack up student loans all through college, its never a bad idea to apply for scholarships and grants. Usually, the earlier you apply the better. If you're lucky, you might even earn enough for living expenses.
Don't sweat the little things! I know college seems like a big jump, and it is different but it's a positive difference. That taste of the real world is surprisingly sweet, and the feeling of independence is incredible. Campuses are large, and even a bit scary, but Shawnee's classes are small and strive to meet your personal needs and goals. Everyone is there to help you, so let them and together your college experience will go smooth and be fun. You may feel alone and like you couldn't possibly meet anyone you connect with now, but these students are just like you. You're going to meet some amazing new friends, I promise! Classes sound impossible, and they can be pretty tough, but it's nothing you can't handle. As long as you work hard and continue to be as dedicated to your education as you are now you'll be fine. Actually, even better than fine. We've all heard some pretty shocking and downright horrendous college stories, but there's even more success stories, and one of them is just waiting to be yours!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would start by congratulating myself on becoming the first high school graduate in my family. My parents married at a very young age of 15 and 17 since they were pregnant with me (I am the first of their three children). My father earned his General Equivalency Diploma (GED) in the military, while my mother earned her GED years later and went on to earn an Associate's Degree. Both my sister and brother took the GED test at the same time. However, he passed it, and she failed it by two points. Needless to say, becoming a high school graduate was an achievement for me.
The advice that I would give myself would be to continue improving myself through education by attending college immediately following high school, before marriage and children. Juggling the many ?hats? of adulthood is stressful, and although I enjoy being a full-time working mother who takes my college studies seriously, focusing all my attention on education first would have been easier and more beneficial in the long run. I would thank myself later for the advice.
Try harder in high school so I'd have a chance for a scholarship because if not you will be poor!
There are some things I want to tell you about college life and the things you may experience there. The most important is that you can not be afraid to ask questions. College is about learning and you have to question everything in order to truly grasp anything. You may find yourself too insecure to seek out an advisor or a teacher but the students who truly excel fight past insecurities in order to build a future for themselves. There are going to be times when you will have to take it upon yourself to find the answers you are looking for not just in class but at the offices of the bursar, registrar and financial aid as well (don't be confused, it will all make sense soon enough). Make friends with everyone you meet including instructors and administration they may have a profound influence on the path you choose to take someday. After you have all the answers you need, use that knowledge to benefit everyone around you; they will need help just like you did. You have the ability to make it if you apply yourself. Just imagine yourself as a college graduate! I believe in you.
My best advice is to visit the schools that you are accepted into. Then from there decide what campus fits you best. Then look into the activities and offices available and se if you can meet teachers in your chosen field. If you decide the teachers are not right for you because of their policies or other reasons, look into your next choice. Do not decide right away. Give it a little bit of time to figure out what you are looking for.
Make sure you are financially ready, the economy is making it hard to get past a year at school.
find one that fits you by figuring out class size and how the sorounding community is. class size can dictate if you feel you will need to work more as an individual or be motivated to praticipate in discussion. since you'll be living there you need to know how the community feels about you and the school. you need to know how safe it is, and how much there is to do there because chances are you will wonder off campus just to get away from the hustle and bustle of it. once you figure out these two things the rest is minor and usually falls into place.