Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania? Why?


Location, because it prevents some culture from entering the campus.


Scheduling, there usually aren't a lot of the same class to chose from and they often fill up quickly making it difficult to schedule the class. You schedule online so if a class closes you aren't able to schedule in the system and have to contact the department or professor in order to be added into the class if it's even possible.


Very small, students not very motivated, low standards, not challenging, small town, many folks from rural areas


The location


The students aren't pushed enough here. Professors put up with tardiness, rudeness and skipping class. Students here don't take work seriously and spend their time partying/socializing. Professors don't challenge students and often give easy work. Tests and papers are high school level and teaching styles are boring and simple.


The food, the cafeteria food is made in bulk and normally it is okay, but sometimes it can be gross


The students, most are nice and work hard at college but some don't seem to want to work or don't want to challenge themselves. Alot of these students party alot and end up staying for more then 4 years.


Some of the food staff are very rude. It's your job to give out the food don't complain and make huffy noises when we ask for food. Also my hall this year is very loud and I can never study in my room because of how loud it is.


Not much diversity at all. Apathy's pretty bad on campus as well.


The academic advising could be much better, as well as professor's attitudes overall. I feel as though much like the students of Ship, professors get involved with extra cirricular activities that eventually take priority over their classes.