Shorter University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Shorter University know before they start?


Be prepared make good choices. You should save money and find out the most about your school. Never depend on the school to provide you with all of the info. Do your own research and be prepared for the future.


Choosing the right college requires much thought about what you want. There are many things that need to be considered like size of the school, size of the class, housing, religion/ethnicity, and other things that are important to you. Each thing you be considered before jumping into any decision. Finding the perfect school for you is challenging, but fulfilling in the end.


Good Luck. It's a hard choice no matter the school.


When looking for the right college/university make sure that where you are looking at is somewhere you can see yourself for the next four years of your life. Don't just look at the school take a tour of the community as well . Also when choosing a school, the decision is the applicants not anyone elses, it can sometimes feel as though it isn't but the choice is yours. Don't make the choice based on what others say or because your best friend is going there be sure it's because you want to be there.


In order to choose the right fit for the perspective college student, there are several areas the student and parents should consider. First, and most importantly, the student should start searching for colleges in the junior year of high school that includes the area of interest of your future career. Next, decide the size of the university or college the student will comfortable in attending. After you have those two areas defined, start searching online and through your high school counseling office for three to eight choices of universities and or colleges. Next, the student should request information from those schools and start making appointments for campus visits. The student should visit at least four campuses so that the student can form an opinion about what he/she likes and dislikes about the college. The student should narrow down the two colleges that are best suited for him/her and go back a second time to see "if it feels right". Most students know at this point which college will be the right fit. Finally, if the student feels good about their choice, they will make the most of their college experience which will maximize their future success!


check out the facility, go to several of the events, go early and stay late, hang around to listen to the students, go to the library and go during the first and last week of school


To make sure that the college fits the student's interest and is a good fit. I beleive that a student should live on campus if at all possible. The campus should be secure and have an emergency plan. The classes should be large enough to be interesting but small enough so that you know everyone.


Before choosing a college, parents and prospective students should tour the college and meet the professors in the field of study. It is important to choose a place where the student is comfortable attending and the parent is comfortable leaving the student. Also, students, consider the approachability of the professors. If you are learning from them and have questions, it is good to know that you could go to the professor directly. To make the most of your college experience, take classes that sound appealing to you. The freedom of making your own schedule is a luxury to use to your advantage. Taking classes outside your major as electives can prove you a well-rounded person, as well as give you more experience in various fields. Don't be afraid to branch out; attend clubs and functions that allow you to grow as a person, and become a strong young adult.


Make sure you have visited the college you think you may want to attend, and before you make your choice, look at allo your options. Don't make a quick and hasty decision, because your going to be at whatever college you choose and it helps a lot if you honestly enjoy it and like it there. This is an important decision, and you should take all the time you need to make your decision, just make sure you are making a well informed decision.


Make every attempt to truely understand the school you are considering. Admission Representitives are experts in the field of marketing - they can sell a horrible college as the place that you are going to call home for the next four years. Be sure to make every attempt to understand the 'real' college. Meet with a professor. Spend the night in an on-campus dorm. Talk to current students and ask them to be honest with you. Seek out alumni and see what their perspective on their alma mater is. Do whatever you can to understand the true side of the college. Just like most students today, you will more than likey choose the wrong college for you IF YOU DO NOT DO THE RESEARCH. Just as most students, you will find yourself transfering to a new college and trying to startover if you do not take the right steps. BUT, if you work hard to understand every aspect of the colleges you are considering, you will find the perfect college to call home for a lifetime of student and alumni support!