Before deciding where to go, or what degree to pursue, figure out what you really want to do. Once you do that, research that job, and find out what you need to do to get that job. Then, make sure that the school you choose gives you the opportunity to do whatever you need to do to get that job, be it getting the right degree, or utilizing internships, or making the proper connections. Whatever you do, just do the research first. Do go into it blindly.
The advice I would give myself would be to study harder, work at my classes more, and maintain the highest grades possible. I would also read alot more and stay up on all the current events happening in the world. If I could go back I would make sure I attended college right after high school and receive the degree I had always wanted. I would particapte more in school activities and be more involved with getting to know the student body in general. The most important thing I would tell myself is that it 's okay to fail and learn form that, I let fear hold me back from going on to college, I thought I wasn't good enough even though I did receive high grades, and I didn't know the process of getting started in college. I let fear hold me back, so I would tell myself to go for it and obtain the dream!
I would tell my high school self to pick the school that gives you that gut feeling deep down inside. Don't be afraid to look for schools outside of the state of Michigan, and also know that if you put your mind to it, you will be able to play college volleyball. This decision is up to you; don't make it based on pleasing your family. Your college years are some of the best years of your life, so get out there, get involved, and enjoy your time. Do not worry about choosing a major right away, it will come to you. Have fun and live life to its fullest.
Go to college directly after school. Don't take a year off, it's not really worth it.
Try and find a school where you can be comfortable. I have a few friends who went to schools and felt awkward being there. Also, make sure you are going to be offered the courses you want to take.
Research is the first priority. Understand what you want out of a college . It is important to know if you want to stay close to home, or move. Second, you need to have an idea of what you want to study in college. Distinguishing between a liberal arts college, and a technical school is very important. This is the material you will revolve your life around, so make sure you enjoy the subject at hand. Get involved in school activities. A healthy balance between school, extracurricular activities and volunteer work will ensure a great college experience, and also build your resume.
When you are looking for a school, you should find one that really fits your personality. If you have a really big personality, I would choose a state school or somewhere big. If you like a small family style, then you should choose a smaller school. I think if you are going to play a varsity sport, you should first look at the schools academics and decide what field you are going into, and then from the schools that academically fit you then contact the coach that you are looking to play for. If you choose a school just for the sport, they may not have the classes that you are going to want to take. Then you are either wasting your time or the coaches time. Academics is the priority and then sports. You are looking to go to college to get a degree, not most likely to go pro. So when you look for a school, look for one the will fit your personality as well as what you want to do later in life.
When it comes to selecting a college, plan ahead! Students and parents really need to consider what is most important to them in a college prior to attending. Afterwards, it is important to visit these colleges. While you are there, be sure to talk to students. They know how thier schools work and will typically speak candidly about certain topics that admission representatives will not necessarily do. Most importantly, students and parents alike need to enter this experience with an open mind.
just have great time management and social skills and everything will work out wonderfully