I wish I knew how much college is not like highschool, its so much better! Classes are only two days at a time, not everyday. The professors are truely caring of their students, and are willing to help and give advice. The campus is very laid back and relaxing, making it a perfect place to go anywhere and find the needed peace to study. The professors are very effective in making all of their class time with students a productive time, for teaching and fully preparing thier students for assignments and tests.
That it is important to work hard and always try your best.
Parking is a mess
I wish I would have known how valuable volunteer work is considered overall. Being a volunteer worker gives learners important and usually an unforgettable experience and establishes a well defined character to people that will be judging job hunters. If I had done more volunteer work I strongly believe that I would have easier access to my prospective career and people would believe me to have merit in my character. It is also just a wonderful way to oblige your civic duty. In my high school I mainly involved myself with academic work and focused less on bettering myself.
I actually did a lot of research about the schools before I chose this one, so I guess I wish I had know what I wanted to do so that I could have had the motivation that I have now.
That growing up is very hard and if your not ready for it it will hit you in the face with reality. That things after high school are not a piece of cake.
I wish I had known of all the resources available to me before i came. Knowing that there all a variety of ways to get the help I need is always something that is comforting in your first year of college. There are counseling and career connections, as well as alot more financial aid than i thought I could earn. There are so many things to help you in so many ways.
College is one of the most important descisions you will make, so make a plan and stick to it. Don't be afraid to ask the alumini questions, or go to a councelor for advice or ask for help. College is not like High School, it needs to be taken more seriously and bad grades will reflect on you and your future career! Don't try to do too much at once; first figure out how many units you can handle, and also find a teacher who fits your learning style. Be open to changing yourself and what you want!
I wish I had known which school I wanted to transfer to. It would have made it easier to pick the right classes and made it easier to transfer. Some classes offered at Sierra College do not transfer to other schools and knowing which shcool I was transfering to would have allowed me to meet thier requirements.
What my major would be exactly.