Simpson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Simpson College know before they start?


Look at all your options. You may think you don't want to go to a certain type of school or that you can't afford it. Visit anyway. You may find that you love it or that they will make it possible for you to go there. Also, don't believe everything they tell you when you visit. The admissions people sugar-coat a lot of things about the school, making it sound better than it is. Plus, they may tell you great things, but they never have to work with you again so they can say whatever they want. Stay with a student if possible at your top picks and ask them to tell you the truth about the school. Most of all, don't let fear paralyze or overwhelm you. It's a difficult, complicated, and confusing process, but you can do it. Never settle and know that you can successfully make the leap to college.


Don't just pick the college that your friends are attending, pick the one that you want to attend. You will be happier in the long run knowing that you picked that college that you wanted instead of someone else. Also, enjoy your college experience.


While attending Simpson College I was employed on-campus as a Resident Assistant, Academic Resource Coordinator, Tutor, Supplemental Instruction Leader, Orientation Leader, and a Seminar Assistant. These positions gave me experience getting students acclimated to college life. Having this experience, I would advise parents to talk with their children about what their the student is looking for in a college and what they are hoping to accomplish from it. For example, when I was trying to find the right college for myself proximity from my home, the size of campus and classes, and academics were the most important factors in determining this. After this decision has been made and it's time to move to college it is important for parents to make sure that they keep in touch with their children yet maintain an appropriate distance. It is important to know that your parents care about how you are doing. For the students, the most important piece of advice that I can give for making the most of your college experience is to GET INVOLVED. College is a place for you to explore who you are, who you want to become, and to meet lots of wonderful people.


Visit more than one school and don't rely solely on brochures and word-of-mouth. Admissions counselors are paid to convince people to enroll at their campus. It is really important for the student and the parent to visit the campus to make sure it seems like the right fit. Parents should not pressure their son or daughter into making a decision he/she is uncomfortable with. The most beneficial experience for me was being able to spend the night on campus to get to know the campus and some of the students better. I found talking with actual students that attend the institution to find out what their favorite and least favorite aspects of campus life are. In order to make the most of the college experience, GET INVOLVED!!! It is impossible to stress how important that is. It not only allows you to meet new people, but it takes the initial feelings of homesickness away from the student. Meeting new people and making new friends is crucial to the college experience. Be willing to try new things and step out of your comfort level. College is about spreading your wings and finding out who you truly are.


The student's opinion is the most important factor in finding the right college for him/her. The parents are involved in this process to help their children think through this decision, for the potential school options are endless, and therefore, should be discussed and pondered thoroughly. Parental opinions are important but should be set aside so that the student has a chance to find what he/she really wants and the parents have a chance to witness the discovery. Analyzing the pros and cons of each school's characteristics is extremely beneficial in helping the student find his/her understanding of what he/she wants in his/her path to come. Communicating this understanding with one's parents is also very beneficial. The student's self-analyzation and communication about his/her thoughts empowers the student to independently pick his/her path for the first time in his/her life. This communication offers the parents a chance to see the young man or woman developing inside which helps the parent to continue letting go of the teen age "parent" role in their child's life which altogether is a win win for both the student and the parent.


Seriously you have to do what makes sense to you. Do not let yourself be pressured into anything you are not into. You only get one college experience so you got to make it a fun and enjoyable one while still learning and getting your degree. I am happy I chose what I did and would do it all over again, that is what most people should feel in the junior year of college or else they chose the wrong thing.


I would let them know that most college students change their major at least three times while they're in college, so it is a good idea to find a college that is well-rounded and doesn't just specialize in one department. To find the right college, it is also helpful to actually visit the campus and get a feel for the school. Also, don't just pick a school because your friends are going there - college is designed to help young students branch out and learn about themselves as individuals. On that note, be sure that there are extra-cirricular activities and clubs that you are interested in and can possibly join. Not only are these a great way to make friends, but they also look stellar on your resume and help deepen your interest in the field.


Simpson is a great school where you learn a lot about yourself. In the first semester, the professors really make you feel at home and get you set on a track of success in completing your degree.


It should be up to the student and choose a college that just feels right. When you step on campus think to yourself, can I go to school here? It just felt right when I made my decsion.


Go with what you WANT, not with what you think you should want. Be open minded. Challenge yourself. Don't put yourself into a box from the very start - so you want to be a doctor or lawyer or whatever right NOW, but in four years that might change. Don't limit yourself, stay focused and look for new things and people to experience. Don't stress yourself out and just go with the flow - now's the time to let things happen to you. There is no pressure besides that which you inflict on yourself.