Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania!


It feels homey, not like you're at college. The town is the type of neighborhood I grew up in, kind of secluded where people mostly keep to themselves. It has beautiful nature around, if you take the time to find that out and experience it.


It's small but not too small. There is a variety of activities and events to attend. The school's ROTC program is ranked as one of the best for the schools size. The school is supportive of Military members. Although there is room for improvement. Overall this school is a good choice for my major which is Elem. Education. Its a great school for any education majors.


I like that the campus is small and friendly. As an adult student, I had no problems fittig in with the younger students.


Brand new dorms and a great safety program.


Slippery Rock welcomes everyone with open arms, and after a small amount of time, you feel like you've been there all your life. You can ask anyone for anything, facualty, students, whoever, and they are always ready to help. Slippery Rock values community.


It seemed to be a lot more friendly and open. It was also just the right size, not too big, but not too small either.


It was a smaller campus, but still had a lot of students that made it feel big.


its like a community, but still big enough to always meet new people.